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Graduate Courses

List of approved courses

The Centre for Refugee Studies does not offer any courses of its own on refugee related issues. However, we recognize a wide range of courses offered by the various faculties at York which relate to refugee and migration studies. While we cannot guarantee that courses deemed appropriate for the Diploma will be mounted in any given year, we do try to annually update the courses listed below.

It is important to note that students in the CRS diploma do not receive any special priority in enrolment for these courses. Please note that students registered for the Graduate Diploma are not exempt from having to fulfil course prerequisites and/or requirements in their home faculties. The following is a list of approved and proposed courses, arranged by the Program that is being offered in 2020-21 academic year.

GS/ANTH 5235 3.00 Anthropological Approaches to Nationalism and Ethnicity: the Politics of Identity

GS/DVST 5100 3.00 Conceptual Foundations of Development            

GS/DVST 5101 3.00 Historical and Institutional Foundations of Development   

GS/DVST 5123 3.00 Forced Migration and Refugee Issues    

GS/DEMS 5020 3.00 Disasters: Concepts and Causes

GS/EDUC 5311 3.00 Language in the Cosmopolis: Theory and Method - not offered in 2024-25

GS/EDUC 5446 3.00 Special Topics: Ecology, Ethics and Education

GS/EDUC 5463 3.00 Comparative Perspectives on Migration and Education

EU/ENVS 4310 3.00 Extraction and its Discontents

EU/ENVS 6401 3.00 Disasters: Concepts and Causes

GEOG 5355 3.00 Political Geography: Spaces of Power and the Politics of Space

GEOG 5370 3.00 Space, Power and the City

GS/LAW 6131 3.00 Study Group on Law in a Global Context I - not offered in 2024-25

GS/POLS 6525 3.00 Diasporas: Transnational Communities and Limits of Citizenship

GS/PPAL 6030 3.00 International Refugee Protection Regime I: Critical Problems  - not offered in 2024-25          

GS/PPAL 6040 3.0 International Refugee Protection Regime II: Research Seminar - not offered in 2024-25         

SOCI 6614 3.00 Migration and Transnationalisms - not offered in 2024-25

GS/WMST 6406 3.00 Issues in Comparative Women’s and Gender History: Part II, The Twentieth Century