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Yeonjoo Lee

Yeonjoo Lee

Research Assistant, Performance Accountability in Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Yeonjoo is assisting Professor Mary E. Wiktorowicz with a scoping review project focused on performance accountability in maternal health care in sub-Saharan Africa. In her most recent project at DIGHR, she successfully co-authored a chapter publication with Professor Wiktorowicz and Professor Peter Tsasis titled "Global health networks: fostering convergence in women’s and children’s health policy" for the book "A Modern Guide to Networks." Yeonjoo holds a BA in Global Health with Honours from York University, specializing in policy, management, and systems. Additionally, she holds an MSc in Global Health from McMaster University. With a profound interest in global health policy, women’s health, and children’s health, Yeonjoo actively engages with complex health challenges on a global scale. Her advocacy revolves around promoting health equity and advocating high-quality health for all.


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