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Parinita Chechi

Global Health Intern, Wellness Impact Lab


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Parinita is an undergraduate Psychology student at York University with a strong interest in research on mental health, counselling, and wellness interventions.

As a Research Assistant at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research under the Wellness Impact Lab, she is currently a part of the Interbeing Wellness Mindfulness Meditation and Qi Gong Practices project under the supervision of Dr. Skinner. Her role involves conducting quantitative and qualitative surveys with a focus on data collection and analysis to evaluate the impact of these practices on the well-being of participants.

She is particularly passionate about making mental health care accessible, especially to marginalized groups, and strives to promote inclusive practices in her future work.

Research Keywords

Mental Health; Wellness Interventions; Psychology; Global Health Research


Global Health & Humanitarianism



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