Aparna Mishra Tarc
Dean Lyndon Martin is pleased to announce the appointment of professor Aparna Mishra Tarc as Graduate Program Director in the Faculty of Education effective July 1, 2020.
Mishra Tarc is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education and is a former elementary school teacher. She received her doctoral degree from the Graduate Program in Education: Language Culture, and Teaching at York University in 2007 and joined the Faculty of Education in 2009.
In her role as Graduate Program Director, Mishra Tarc assumes responsibility for the daily operation and overall academic integrity of one of the largest graduate programs at York University. She is committed to supporting the academic and scholarly development of Doctoral and Master students and will acts as a point person for facilitating policy implementation and programmatic dialogue between the Graduate Program in Education and Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Mishra Tarc is author of the award-winning book Literacy of the Other: Renarrating Humanity and Pedagogy in the Novels of J.M Coetzee. The Affect of Literature. She has authored over 25 articles in highly ranked academic journals, is associate editor of two journals and sits on the editorial board of six international journals. Colleagues regard her as a notable writer and thinker that renews thinking on pedagogy, curriculum, literature, witness, and children in public dialogue and spheres.
She has supported over 100 students in direct supervisions and on committees to complete their graduate program at the Master and Doctoral levels and is regularly invited to guest lecture at graduate schools in Canada and the United States. She actively participates in faculty and university-wide committees pertaining to graduate studies. Mishra Tarc recently completed two-years of service as Vice-Chair and Chair of the pan-university Faculty Council for the Faculty of Graduate Studies. There, she contributed significantly to policy initiatives enlivening debate and dialogue on the status of higher education and collegial governance in the changing university.
Mishra Tarc views the appointment to Graduate Program Director as an incredible opportunity to support graduate students to rethink some of the most pressing and important issues of our time through a multitude of frameworks, orientations, and methodologies. She is committed to generating new possibilities of sustained free enquiry, scholarship and research for rethinking the idea, purpose, and horizons of Graduate Education. Above all she is committed to supporting individual and collective graduate study and speculation into the status of knowledge, the meanings of justice, and the possibilities of imagining a sustainable co-existence with students, colleagues and the public in an increasingly uncertain world.