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Plan for Success

  • The value of York’s programs rests heavily on the collaborative experience, your full attendance and effective participation throughout the entire program.
  • Regular and relevant participation is a requirement for successful recommendation to the OCT.
  • You are required to contact your instructor prior to any necessary in-class or online absence, or as soon as possible if, due to exceptional circumstances, you are unable to adhere to the attendance and participation requirements of the course.


  • To be successful in fall, winter and spring sessions, you are expected to participate about 2 hours per day every other day.  
  • Summer intensive courses require about 3-5 hours of daily participation up to 25 hours/week.
  • Contribute to others’ learning by engaging frequently and in timely fashion through short online periods (30-60 minutes) rather than infrequent, longer periods.
  • Strive to build upon, query, make connections and draw parallels when responding to colleagues’ work.
  • Engage professionally in online discussion forums, interactions, and networking.
  • You must meet all due dates outlined by the instructor.


  • Attend all onsite classes, arriving punctually and participating until the end of class.
  • Be aware that late arrival or early departure from onsite classes is a form of absence. 
  • Make-up work for missed class time is required. 
  • At maximum 2 missed weeknight classes (total of 7 hours) are allowed with the requisite submission of additional assignments for the missed class time.  
  • York University makes reasonable and appropriate accommodations and adaptations in order to promote the ability of learners to fulfill the academic requirements of their programs. 
  • Contact the Professional Learning office at least 2 weeks prior to the start of your course to allow enough time for appropriate accommodations to be put in place.
  • Be proactive in contacting your instructor about accommodations if during the session mitigating circumstances hinder your progress. 
  • The Senate Policy is available at:
  • York University is committed to respecting the religious beliefs and practices of all members of the community and making accommodations for observances of special significance to adherents. 
  • When requesting accommodations for religious observance, aim to make arrangements with our office at point of registration.
  • At maximum, 2 missed weeknight classes (total of 7 hours) are allowed with the requisite submission of additional assignments for the missed class time.  
  • The Senate Policy is available at:
  • Courses are offered at convenient locations across the GTA and across the province. 
  • Check for individual course location information. 
  • Any course location updates and changes are listed on our website. 
  • Please check online for updates to dates, location and instructor just prior to your first class. 
  • Your attendance, active participation, and quality of work will all be considered in the evaluation process to recommend/not recommend you to the OCT 
  • Grades are not assigned.  
  • The Office of Professional Learning reports to the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) after receiving results from instructors.  
  • We only report successful course completions to the OCT.
  • We report by class/course; individual reports are not sent in advance of the class recommendation.
  • The OCT updates your certificate of qualification within two to four weeks of receiving the University’s report. 
  • The date of completion appearing on your certificate for the earned qualification reflects the date all outstanding prerequisites, including admissions documents, and all course requirements were met.