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Faculty of Education Summer Institute (FESI) 2024

A group of diverse individuals meeting around a table


Recognize to Strategize: Bubble Breaking and Sense Making
August 21 -22, 2024

Current socio-political challenges in the education sector call for transformative strategies that focus on alternative problem solving frameworks. We also need new ways to recognize and make sense of the issues we are facing and our positions within these issues in order to seek out new strategies for change. An examination of alternative frameworks that support collective sense-making is an important part of educational dismantling work. “We can’t continue to organize in ways that replicate and legitimize the systems we are seeking to dismantle. We can’t afford to waste time and energy trying to use the same old frameworks and tools to make radical change” (Ritchie, 2023, p. 4). The alternative frameworks we will examine offer a place to begin where we first recognize ineffective long held beliefs that inform how we solve problems in educational spaces. These frameworks also offer approaches to identify strategies that create the conditions for the change we imagine.




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Aug 21 - 22 2024


8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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