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Canadian Observatory on Homelessness

In the media - Experts from around the globe are gathering in Toronto for Canada’s first national conference on preventing youth homelessness

Experts from around the globe are gathering in Toronto for Canada’s first national conference on preventing youth homelessness to highlight real-life research and programs that are making a difference. Stephen Gaetz, a professor at York University and president of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, who is one of the conference chairs, talks about the importance […]

Project to create transitional housing for homeless Black youth

The upcoming Black Youth Housing Project, associated with the Homeless Hub at York University’s Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, will explore what housing models best support Black youth who are experiencing homelessness in York region.

Canadian Observatory on Homelessness to co-host event exploring youth transitions

York University’s Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) will co-host an international symposium on youth transitions from child protection services that will bring together over 100 policymakers, researchers and service providers from across Canada, the U.S. and Europe. From Oct. 12 to 13, the International Transitions from Child Protection Symposium in Richmond, B.C., will examine the challenges associated when […]

Join discussion on how leaders are using evidence to end homelessness

Making the Shift (MtS), a youth homelessness social innovation lab co-led by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness at York University, will host a virtual discussion on “Using Data and Evidence to End Homelessness: Drawing lessons from the United Kingdom” on Nov. 17 at 11 a.m.

Announcing the Launch of the Toronto Centre of Excellence on Youth Homelessness Prevention at York University

We are pleased to announce that the UN Economic Commission for Europe has established the Toronto Centre of Excellence (TCE) on Youth Homelessness Prevention at York University. More than three years in the making, we couldn’t be more honoured to represent Canada across the UNECE’s Member States. Hosted by York University and co-led by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, A […]

Preventing homelessness through positive change

The work of Faculty of Education Professor Stephen Gaetz, an internationally recognized leader and innovator in homelessness research, is featured in York’s new Right the Future campaign. The campaign  shows how different societal challenges look today and imagines how they could look in the future, thanks to the work of students and researchers working in its different departments. Contributing to creating societal change for people living […]