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Faculty of Education Summer Institute (FESI) 2024

Faculty of Education Summer Institute (FESI) 2024

  Recognize to Strategize: Bubble Breaking and Sense Making August 21 -22, 2024 Current socio-political challenges in the education sector call for transformative strategies that focus on alternative problem solving frameworks. We also need new ways to recognize and make sense of the issues we are facing and our positions within these issues in order […]

Building pathways to education: a Q-and-A with Professor Carl James

Building pathways to education: a Q-and-A with Professor Carl James

Studies have shown that Black students are significantly under-represented on Canadian post-secondary campuses, due in large part to systemic barriers. The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community & Diaspora, now fully endowed and housed within York University’s Faculty of Education, aims to address this disparity and others by advancing access, equity, and inclusivity to education through […]

York community events to recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

York community events to recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, on Sept. 30, honours the children who never returned home, survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. York University will recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by offering events and resources throughout the month for its community members to learn about the history of residential schools in Canada and the lasting impacts on Indigenous community members today.

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation film screening: Muffins for Granny

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation film screening: Muffins for Granny

In honour of the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation, The Division of Equity, People & Culture along with a variety of York University partners is hosting a series of film screenings on both the Keele and Glendon campuses. We encourage community members to engage with these media to support their learning on a path […]

Experiential education a big part of Master of Leadership and Community Engagement professional degree program

Experiential education a big part of Master of Leadership and Community Engagement professional degree program

The Master of Leadership and Community Engagement (MLCE) is a part-time interdisciplinary cohort-based Master’s program that brings together professionals from varied education contexts to learn together how to best serve their immediate communities.