Meet Ankit Mishra (BA’11 Mathematics)

Meet Ankit Mishra (BA’11 Mathematics)

This mathematics grad is using his multilingual education to solve the world’s problems

After graduating with a Mathematics degree from Glendon in 2011, Ankit Mishra looked for ways to use it to make the world a better place. Today, he works as a Growth Marketer at Alariss, a talent marketplace that specializes in helping companies launch into the US market with top local sales and business development talent. Ankit is also an Energy contributor at Forbes where he writes about cleantech, climate change, and sustainable economic development.

“Gaining experience in public policy, journalism, and technology has allowed me to stay up to date with the latest trends around the world,” says Ankit. “I have been able to better apply my skills in data analytics to better work towards addressing key issues around the world from a factual perspective.”

Ankit Mishra

A change in academic direction inspired by Glendon professors

Originally, Ankit enrolled in the Economics program at Glendon. He had such an enjoyable time taking the math prerequisites, especially under the instruction of Professors Mario Roy and David Spring, that he made the switch.

“They encouraged me to look into a degree in mathematics because having strong quantitative skills would ultimately allow me to pursue economics at the graduate level, which I did later on at Sciences Po Paris. Professors Roy and Spring were also very supportive, and this allowed a student like myself with a learning disability to easily ask questions and continue learning through the years.”

Thanks to his bilingual studies at Glendon and experiential education trips to Quebec through the Explore program, he achieved a B2 level in French, allowing him to confidently pursue graduate studies in Europe and shortly after, work at leading institutions such as the OECD and the International Energy Agency. Since graduating from Glendon, Ankit has been able to work in France, Belgium, Canada, and the United States, allowing him to build a robust network of contacts with industry professionals. 

“Glendon is an excellent place to study and develop core knowledge in an area of interest. My best advice for students would be to take the opportunities offered by Glendon – small class sizes, niche courses, and language learning facilities – to develop their knowledge as many of these would be useful in the work environment. As an institution based in Toronto, Glendon offers the ability for students to attend events and conferences that can be useful to network and develop their skills further.”

Using his experience in tech to mentor aspiring founders

Before joining Alariss, Ankit worked in other tech-focused roles in financial technology, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. He uses this experience to volunteer as a mentor for Futurpreneur Canada, a nonprofit organization that mentors aspiring founders and gives them the mentoring and tools they need to get started.

“I work with a tech founder to devise branding, marketing, and business development strategies on a bi-weekly basis. Going forward, I definitely want to leverage my insights and knowledge to support entrepreneurs in Canada to build their companies and be in a position to support growth in the local economy.”

Rapid Fire Questions

What is the most powerful lesson you’ve learned in your life? How did you learn it?

Continuous learning and managing time are very important. As a student at Glendon, I would leave French for the summer in Quebec and take courses related to my degree during the academic year. Every year, I would repeat this cycle, which helped me concentrate on what mattered the most at that time and enabled me to space out my learnings.

Who or what inspires you?

Watching Roger Federer play tennis has been absolutely amazing to observe and follow over the years. Seeing the way he has adjusted his game over time has provided good insights into the importance of improving and bringing new skills over time, which is crucial in today’s economy.

What is your favourite place on campus?

Frost Library. It’s a great place to learn, and it’s located next to the garden which is one of the best places on campus for sure.

What is your favourite city in the world?

Paris without a doubt. After graduation, I was able to study at Sciences Po Paris, and I have fond memories of living there. Needless to say, studying French at Glendon helped me look into pursuing graduate studies in France.