Dear Glendon Community Members,
I have some very exciting news to announce. Four members of our Glendon community were recently presented with pan-university awards. What a great accomplishment! We are enormously proud of them and the honour they have brought to Glendon.
2021 Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award
The Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award, established in 2012, is given to students whose leadership has contributed to the growth, development, and vitality of York University. It is named after Robert J. Tiffin, who served as York University’s Vice-Provost, Students for nine years, and throughout his tenure, tirelessly championed student leadership.
Recipient: Magdalena Kajo, B.A., Bilingual, Hons. Dbl. Maj. Economics & French Studies, Glendon
2021 Governor General’s Silver Medal
The Governor General’s Silver Medals are awarded annually to recognize the outstanding scholastic achievements of undergraduate students in Canada. Since its establishment in 1873, it has become one of the most prestigious awards that a student in a Canadian educational institution can receive.
Recipient: Alina Kuimova, Specialized Honours BA in Linguistics and Language Studies, First Class Standing, Glendon
2021 Robert Everett Exceptional Leadership in Student Governance Award
The Robert Everett Exceptional Leadership in Student Governance Award recognizes and celebrates students who have made a valuable and significant contribution to the governance of York University. Established in 2018, this award is named in honour of Dr. Robert Everett, a distinguished Senior Assistant Secretary of the University, who made extraordinary contributions supporting University governance for nearly three decades.
Recipient: Dael Vasquez-Hernandez, B.A., Bilingual, Hons. Dbl. Maj. Political Science & Communications, Glendon
2021 President’s University-Wide Teaching Awards
The President’s University-Wide Teaching Awards honour those who, through innovation and commitment, have significantly enhanced the quality of learning by York students.
Recipient for the Full-time faculty with 10 or more years of teaching experience category: Professor Hossam Ali-Hassan, Department of International Studies, Glendon
Warmest congratulations to Magdalena, Alina, Dael and Hossam on this incredible and much-deserved achievement!
Marco Fiola, Principal