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2021 Communications Graduates

2021 Communications Graduates

The Communications program congratulates the following students for completing the B.A. in Communications: Maria Carolina Bustamante, Janessa Zuzanna Daly-Rojas, Janice Catherine Emagalit, Moboluwajidide David Joseph, Mikayla Nembhard, Freddy Impasa-Ifunga Ngoi, Jamie Isabelle Quizon, Anjelica Devi Ramsewack, and Natalie Amelia Skillaris We wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours!    

Althusser, Ideology and Mediation: Beyond the Container Metaphor

Althusser, Ideology and Mediation: Beyond the Container Metaphor

Ideology and Translation I’m currently attending the seminar “Ideology of Translation and Translation of Ideology” (TRAN 5185) which is being taught by Lyse Hébert, here at Glendon. The topic is of interest to me and it’s a great way to start thinking about the seminar I plan to offer this coming fall, which will be […]

Flocks and herds: a communication without agent

Flocks and herds: a communication without agent

In his teaching notes collected by his students under the title Mind, Self, Society (posthumously published in 1943), George Herbert Mead argues that the “self” is not a given. Instead, the “self” emerges. He wrote for example “The social creativity of the emergent self” (1972: 214). From this perspective, the “self” is the product or the manifestation […]

In the words of Snowden, spying on journalists in Quebec “is a radical attack on journalism of the free press”

In the words of Snowden, spying on journalists in Quebec “is a radical attack on journalism of the free press”

It was revealed this week that at least seven journalists in Quebec, working for Radio-Canada, La Presse and La Journal de Montréal, have been spied on by the Montreal police (SPVM) and Quebec provincial police (SQ). Further revelations have shown journalists to have been under surveillance since 2008, some for as long as five years […]