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Degree Requirements, Academic Standing, Policies


To make sure you complete your degree successfully, you have to know what the specific requirements are for your program and courses. To find out, consult the undergraduate academic calendar from the year you official began your program. Under the Filter by Faculty section, click on Gendon College, find your program, and click on the Requirements tab.


What’s my academic standing, and what does it mean?


As a Glendon student, you are expected to follow the York University code of conduct – you should know your rights and your obligations.


Need to withdraw a course? See how to do so here.


If you want to improve a course grade, you can repeat a passed or failed course twice for degree or certificate credit, to a maximum of three attempts per course.


There are many reasons to request a petition. Review them and learn about the petition process below.


Did you know? If you changed your program degree or your major, through the course relief policy, you are allowed to exclude courses completed toward the prior major requirements from your Overall Cumulative GPA (OCGPA) and credit totals for your new program of study.


You can request reasonable and appropriate accommodations if your religion requires you to be absent from the University for observance of recognized religious days of significance.


Academic Integrity is a key concept to your success during your studies. Learn more about York’s policy on Academic Honesty here.


Consult the Student Papers and Academic Research Kit (SPARK) for hands-on advice on how to respect academic integrity.