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Glendon English student wins annual Odessa Prize competition

The Glendon English Department is proud to announce that our student, Brenda Martinez Castro, is the winner of the Odessa Prize competition for 2021-2022. The Odessa Prize was originally established through the generosity of York alumnus Irvin Studin, and the competition seeks to reward the best paper written in a fourth-year course at York University during the past academic year. Brenda […]

Professor Lee Frew wins President’s University-Wide Teaching Award (2020)

The Department of English is delighted to announce and extend its warmest congratulations to our colleague Lee Frew upon his reception of the President’s University-Wide Teaching Award. The award is granted annually to faculty members who have displayed “enthusiasm and innovative approaches to teaching.”  Frew, who specializes in Canadian literature, was nominated for his dedication to […]

First Annual English Studies End-of-Year Celebration

On Friday, April 26th, students and professors alike gathered together at the Granite Brewery on Mount Pleasant Rd to celebrate another year of hard work and dedication.  The department hopes that this will become a yearly tradition. 

D-TEIL program enters its second decade of international teaching practicum in Cuba

Every two years since 2006, the Glendon class GL/EN 4696 has visited the Faculty of Foreign Languages E.J. Varona University of Pedagogical Sciences in Havana, Cuba to conduct its three-week international teaching practicum. From left to right: Professor Brian Morgan (Glendon English), Martha Neufville (Dean, FLEX/Varona U), Professor Ian Martin (Glendon English, Coordinator D-TEIL Certificate), Daisy […]
