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Exams and Accommodations

Exam season can be stressful! Make sure you are prepared by reviewing your exam schedule as soon as it is available. You can find your exam schedule here.

Religious Accommodations For Final Exams

As an inclusive and equitable college, Glendon allows you to request an accommodation if you cannot write a formally scheduled examination (December and April examination periods) on the date scheduled because of a religious commitment.

Contact your course instructor at least three weeks before the start of the examination period to arrange an alternative examination date.

If you cannot make arrangements with your instructor, or if you do not feel comfortable about approaching your instructor to request a religious accommodation, you can contact the Associate Dean of the Faculty in which the course is offered. You need to contact the Associate Dean at least 14 days before the start of the examination and, if requested to do so, present evidence concerning the religious obligations involved.

The Associate Dean may consider a number of options to provide an accommodation. The choice will depend on your particular circumstance.

For example, the accommodations may include:
• Treating the request as a scheduling conflict, and accommodating it within the examination period, or
• Providing a deferred examination as soon as possible

Accommodation guidelines in other instances

If you cannot meet academic obligations because of religious commitment, other than formally scheduled examinations (December and April examination period) on certain holy days, you have to give your instructor reasonable notice (no less than 14 days) of each conflict.

Solutions may include:

  1. Rescheduling the evaluation, or
  2. Preparing an alternative evaluation, or
  3. Recalculating the total evaluation in the course to eliminate the component that has been missed.

Request for accommodation form
This form should be submitted to Academic Services, York Hall C102, or scanned and emailed to acadservices@glendon.yorku.ca.

If the schedule of some of your final exams is in conflict, you need to submit an exam conflict report as soon as you notice the conflict.

Alternate Accommodation For Students With Disabilities

As an inclusive and equitable institution, Glendon allows you to request an accommodation if you are a person with a disability.

The following links include more information on the York University Senate policy and guidelines regarding academic accommodations for students with disabilities.

Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (Guidelines, Procedures and Definitions).

Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (Policy).

Glendon Accessibility, Well-Being and Counselling Centre (AWC)

Booking An Alternate Exam

If you need to schedule an alternate exam at Glendon College, please consult the link below.

Glendon Accessibility, Well-Being and Counselling on Alternate Exams and Tests.