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Scholarships and Bursaries

Empower Your Future with Glendon Scholarships

Aimed at bright minds and emerging talents, our scholarships fuel your academic ambitions, easing the financial load. Whether you’re a future leader, community advocate, or a pioneer in your field, we’re here to support your journey toward academic excellence and beyond.

Act Now, Shape Tomorrow

To explore scholarships and awards to help pay your tuition and fees, select the sentence below which best describes you.  

*NEW $3,000 Albert V. Tucker Entrance Scholarship

Bursaries for postsecondary studies in French as a second language

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1
($3,000 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • The Albert V. Tucker Entrance Scholarship will be granted to an incoming undergraduate student enrolled in one of Glendon College’s bilingual programs. To be eligible, candidates must demonstrate academic excellence and leadership in student life. This scholarship is renewable for up to an additional three years. To renew, recipients must maintain a minimum 6.00 sessional grade point average and enrol in a minimum of 24 credits each year. 

*NEW $3,000 ACUFC Bursaries for FSL Learning

Bursaries for postsecondary studies in French as a second language

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • This new program was established by the Government of Canada. Its aim is to encourage young English-speaking students to pursue their postsecondary studies in French. The objective is simple: Allow a greater number of English-speaking Canadians to become bilingual. Watch this video for more information.

To receive a bursary for postsecondary studies in French as a second language, one must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada;
  • Have English as the first official language spoken;
  • Have completed their secondary school studies in an English-language institution and graduated from this institution;
  • Have reached the postsecondary level of education;
  • Study full time in a Canadian institution during the current year;
  • Intend to pursue full-time studies in a college or undergraduate university program in Canada, to take at least 50% of their courses and participate in related activities (placements and training activities in the community) in French.

Note: Special consideration will be given to students facing financial challenges and those who come from under-represented groups.

York Entrance Scholarships & Awards 

Entrance scholarships, awards and bursaries available to Canadian high-school applicants are listed in the following table. For awards requiring an application, submit your MyFile application as noted below. 

Some helpful tips:

  • You do not need an offer of admission to apply for scholarships, awards and bursaries 
  • Complete the application early so that you are considered for the most awards possible — some scholarships close to applications as early as February 15 
  • The MyFile application closes April 1
  • If you qualify for one of these awards listed, you will receive an e-mail or letter letting you know the name of the scholarship or award you have received and the value 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database. Note: Scholarship values are subject to change.
York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships

Application method: No award application required.

NOTE FOR CÉGEP: Effective for Fall-Winter 2024, all students admitted with CÉGEP (one and two years) as their basis of admission will now be eligible to receive the automatic entrance scholarship if they meet the minimum GPA requirement.
$1,000 – $16,000*

Based on Final Admission Average:

Many high school applicants are admitted and offered entrance scholarships based on mid-year or “in-progress” results when their admission average is at or above 80%. All Entrance Scholarship amounts and eligibility are confirmed/finalized based on final grades. 

95%+ (42-45 IB diploma points) – $3,500 

90-94.9% (36-41 IB diploma points) - $2,500

85-89.9% (33-35 IB diploma points) - $1,500

80-84.9% (30-32 IB diploma points) - $1000

*This scholarship is renewable at all tiers based on grade point average and course load requirements. To renew York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships, recipients must maintain a minimum 8.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) over a minimum of 24 credits taken during the entire academic year (previous Summer and Fall/Winter sessions).

Award description at a glance:

  • The Tentanda Via Award has been created to recognize undergraduate students who: (a) Have had to face significant personal barriers, and who despite these challenges, have persevered and demonstrated fortitude and resilience in overcoming these personal barriers in the pursuit of a university education; or (b) Are student leaders/changemakers who are pushing boundaries by demonstrating commitment to progressive and sustainable development initiatives by making a difference regarding compelling issues of our time (either connected to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’) or other complex issues).
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
President’s Scholarships

Application method: No award application required.
($5,400 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

Chancellor Cory Entrance Scholarship

Application method: No award application required.
($4,000 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

Governors’ Awards of Distinction

John Proctor Scholarship

Alumni Award of Distinction Scholarship

Murray Ross Scholarship

Betty-Jean and John M. Bankes Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service, and personal statement. In addition, you must submit three letters of recommendation by mail.

Deadline:  February 15
($8,000 x 4 years, plus cost of residence accommodation for first year)

Award description at a glance:

  • Awarded to a student entering their first year of full-time undergraduate study who has achieved a minimum 90% admission average 
  • Applicants must demonstrate accomplishments in community service, leadership, arts or sports, or excellence in other areas of individual endeavour which demonstrate the wholeness of the person and grace of character 
  • This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the York University Automatic Entrance scholarship 
  • Click on each award’s title above for full award details and application instructions 
York University Awards of Achievement

Application method: No award application required
($6,000 x 4 years) 

Award description at a glance:

Awards of Distinction Merit Scholarships

Application method: No award application required

Award description at a glance:

Harry Arthurs Alumni Families Entrance Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service, and personal statement. You must also submit three letters of recommendation and a letter outlining your relationship to a York University alumnus by mail.

Deadline:  February 15
($6,000 x 4 years) 

Award description at a glance:

  • Awarded to a student entering their first year of undergraduate study with a minimum 90% admission average 
  • Applicant must be a child, grandchild or sibling of a York alumnus/alumna 
  • Applicant must demonstrate a record of participation and leadership in extracurricular student life 
  • This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the York University Automatic Entrance scholarship 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
Yorke Towne Supplies Ltd. Visionary Leadership Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline:  April 1
($9,500 x 4 years) 

Award description at a glance:

  • Available to students entering their first year of full-time undergraduate study. Candidates must have a minimum 80% admission average and be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, and residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need. In addition, candidates must demonstrate proven commitment to service and society and a desire to continue that service as a leader while at York. Recipients will be required to implement a Visionary Leadership project during their undergraduate studies that will focus on leadership. In order to renew this scholarship, recipients must have a successful annual review of their leadership project, must maintain a cumulative gpa of a 7.50 and must maintain full-time enrolment status (minimum of 18 credits for the fall/winter academic session). This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with another renewable entrance scholarship or the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Honderich  Bursary

Application method: Apply via MyFile and contact your high school guidance office for the in-school application form.

Deadline:  April 1
($8,000 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • For incoming high school students from James Cardinal McGuigan Secondary School, Emery Collegiate Institute, CW Jeffrey’s Secondary School and Westview Centennial Secondary School 
  • Recipients are guaranteed a summer job at the Toronto Star at the end of the first year 
  • This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the York University Automatic Entrance scholarship or the York Continuing Student Scholarship 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Bennett Family Award for Black and Indigenous Students

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline:  April 1
($7,500 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • The Bennett Family Award for Black and Indigenous Students will be available to students who identify as Black and/or Indigenous.
  • Recipients must have a 75% admission average be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need.
  • The award is renewable for 3 additional years provided the recipient maintains a 6.0 sessional GPA.
  • This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with another renewable entrance scholarship, the York University Automatic Entrance Scholarship or the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
Bennett First Generation Award

Application method: Apply via MyFile 

Deadline:  April 1
($7,500 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • The Bennett First Generation Award will be granted to first-generation students entering their first year of undergraduate study who have a minimum admission average of 75%.
  • To be eligible, recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
  • The Award will be renewable up to 3 years, provided the recipient maintains good academic standing and continues to demonstrate financial need.
  • This Award cannot be held in conjunction with another renewable entrance scholarship, the York University Automatic Entrance Scholarship, or the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database.
Bennett Family Jane and Finch Award

Application method: Apply via MyFile 

Deadline:  April 1
($7,500 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • The Bennett Family Jane & Finch Award will be granted to students entering first year of undergraduate study from a high school within the Jane and Finch community (Westview Centennial Secondary School, C.W. Jeffreys Collegiate Institute, Emery Collegiate Institute, James Cardinal McGuigan and North Albion Collegiate) who have a minimum admission average of 75%.
  • To be eligible, recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
  • The Award will be renewable up to 3 years, provided the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 6.0 and continue to demonstrate financial need.
  • Recipients of a renewable award must continue to participate in mentoring programs offered in local community schools to support and encourage younger students to persist in their current studies and pursue postsecondary education.
  • This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with another renewable entrance scholarship, the York University Automatic Entrance Scholarship or the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database.
York University Renewable Entrance Athletic Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service, and personal statement.

Deadline:  April 1
($5,000 x 5 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • Awarded to a student entering their first year of full-time undergraduate study who has achieved a minimum 80% admission average 
  • This scholarship was established to support athletic and academic excellence 
  • This scholarship can be held in conjunction with other merit-based scholarships and awards however the value of all funding in which athletic ability is a criteria cannot exceed $4500 (or the value of tuition and compulsory fees) per year 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Various awards

There are a variety of other entrance awards and bursaries for you to apply for! A detailed listing is available when you log into the scholarships, awards and bursaries application through MyFile.

Deadline to apply:  April 1

Glendon Entrance Scholarships & Awards

LLIR 40th Anniversary Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Pearson Alumni Entrance Scholarship

Application method: No award application required.

Award description at a glance:

Glendon Bursary for Black Students

Application method:  Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • Glendon strives to be a safe, equitable and welcoming environment for all students. Black students, who represent a significant portion of Glendon’s student population, have identified the ways in which anti-Black racism has limited access to academic resources – including grants, fellowships and scholarships. In order to support Black inclusion at Glendon, Glendon is offering Black francophone students an award, with the aim of reducing financial barriers and creating a more inclusive environment.
  • Preference will be given to Black Francophone Glendon students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Ethel Harris Entrance Scholarship $10,000
Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline:  April 1

Award description at a glance:

Ron  Triffon  Entrance Scholarship $1,500
Application method: No award application required.

Award description at a glance:

Perigoe Family Scholarship$1,000 
Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline:  April 1

Award description at a glance:

Club Richelieu Internship$1,500 
Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities and community service.

Deadline:  April 1

Award description at a glance:

Omer and Norah Deslauriers  Internship$1,500
Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities and community service.

Deadline:  April 1

Award description at a glance:

Bourse d’entrée pour les finissants des écoles de langue française  de  l’Ontario$3,000
Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Roseann  Runte  Scholarship$1,250 
Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service and personal statement.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Escott Reid Entrance Scholarship$1,000
Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service and personal statement.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Sarah and Joe  Rainsberger  Entrance Bursary for Home-Schooled Students$1,000
Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: personal statement.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

John M. Vincent Bursaries

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline to apply: April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • The John M. Vincent Bursaries will be awarded to entering undergraduate students at Glendon Campus who demonstrate financial need. This award was established by John M. Vincent (BA ’67) who attended Glendon College as a mature student. His positive experience and Glendon professors played a pivotal role in his education and ensuing 28- year career in the Canadian Trade Service (Foreign Affairs) and with the Canadian Department of Industry. He hopes this bursary will enable more students to broaden their knowledge and give them the good general grounding that he got from Glendon which prepared him for a career in public service.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database

*NEW $3,000 ACUFC Bursaries for FSL Learning

ACUFC Bursaries for postsecondary studies in French as a second language

Application method:
Step 1: Check below to see if you qualify
Step 2: Complete the application via MyFile  by April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • This new program was established by the Government of Canada. Its aim is to encourage young English-speaking students to pursue their postsecondary studies in French. The objective is simple: Allow a greater number of English-speaking Canadians to become bilingual. Watch this video for more information.

To receive a bursary for postsecondary studies in French as a second language, one must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; 
  • Have English as the first official language spoken; 
  • Have completed their secondary school studies in an English-language institution and graduated from this institution; 
  • Have reached the postsecondary level of education; 
  • Study full time in a Canadian institution during the current year; 
  • Intend to pursue full-time studies in a college or undergraduate university program in Canada, to take at least 50% of their courses and participate in related activities (placements and training activities in the community) in French. 

Note: Special consideration will be given to students facing financial challenges and those who come from under-represented groups.

York Entrance Scholarships & Awards 

Entrance scholarships, awards and bursaries available to Canadian college/university transfer or mature applicants are listed in the following table. For awards requiring an application, submit your MyFile application as noted below. 

NOTE FOR CÉGEP: Effective for Fall-Winter 2024, all students admitted with CÉGEP (one and two years) as their basis of admission will now be eligible to receive the automatic entrance scholarship if they meet the minimum GPA requirement. Please see the “I AM A CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL APPLICANT” tab.

Some helpful tips: 

  • You do not need an offer of admission to apply for scholarships, awards and bursaries 
  • Complete the application early so that you are considered for the most awards possible — some scholarships close to applications as early as February 15 
  • The MyFile application closes April 1
  • If you qualify for one of these awards listed, you will receive an e-mail or letter letting you know the name of the scholarship or award you have received and the value 
  • Full award and eligibility details are available by clicking the award name. Note: Scholarship values are subject to change 
Tentanda Via Award

Application method:
Domestic applicants apply via MyFile between December 1 and February 15
International applicants apply via the online application form between December 1 and February 15
($10,000 x 4 years)  

Award description at a glance:

  • The Tentanda Via Award has been created to recognize undergraduate students who: (a) Have had to face significant personal barriers, and who despite these challenges, have persevered and demonstrated fortitude and resilience in overcoming these personal barriers in the pursuit of a university education; or (b) Are student leaders/changemakers who are pushing boundaries by demonstrating commitment to progressive and sustainable development initiatives by making a difference regarding compelling issues of our time (either connected to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’) or other complex issues).
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
York University Mature Student Entrance Scholarship 

Application method: Submit a detailed, personal Mature Student letter for review along with your admission application.

Applicable to Fall admits only.

Award description at a glance:

  • Awarded to students with a record of outstanding achievement who are admitted under the mature student basis of admission 
  • Selection will be based on strong academic performance or work history, community or volunteer experience and personal development as well as clearly outlined interests and goals for university studies 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Provost’s Award

Application method: No award application required.
$500 – $1,000

Award description at a glance:

  • Awarded to Ontario College and Ontario University Transfer applicants who have completed one year of full–time post–secondary study or equivalent within the past three years 
  • Candidates will be assessed on their most recent post secondary studies only. Applicants who have previously completed a university degree are excluded 
  • Applicants must be admitted  to an undergraduate degree  program at York and meet the award’s published grade point average(s) 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database  

Glendon Entrance Scholarships & Awards

Quebec Entrance Scholarship

Application method: No award application required.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Glendon Bursary for Black Students

Application method:  Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • Glendon strives to be a safe, equitable and welcoming environment for all students. Black students, who represent a significant portion of Glendon’s student population, have identified the ways in which anti-Black racism has limited access to academic resources – including grants, fellowships and scholarships. In order to support Black inclusion at Glendon, Glendon is offering Black francophone students an award, with the aim of reducing financial barriers and creating a more inclusive environment.
  • Preference will be given to Black Francophone Glendon students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
*NEW Glendon Transfer Award

Application method: No award application required.

Award description at a glance:

  • Awarded to Ontario College and Ontario University Transfer applicants who have completed one year of full–time post–secondary study or equivalent within the past three years
  • Candidates will be assessed on their most recent post-secondary studies only. Applicants who have previously completed a university degree are excluded. These applicants must be admitted to Glendon with academic standing of B+ / 75% and higher for college transfers. B / 70% for university transfers (or equivalent in your curriculum’s grading scale). Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Ethel Harris Entrance Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Ron  Triffon  Entrance Scholarship

Application method: No award application required.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Perigoe Family Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Club Richelieu Internship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities and community service.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Omer and Norah Deslauriers  Internship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities and community service. 

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Roseann  Runte  Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service and personal statement.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Escott Reid Entrance Scholarship

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: extracurricular activities, community service and personal statement.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

Sarah and Joe  Rainsberger  Entrance Bursary for Home-Schooled Students

Application method: Apply via MyFile and complete the following sections: personal statement.

Deadline: April 1

Award description at a glance:

John M. Vincent Bursaries

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline to apply:  April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • The John M. Vincent Bursaries will be awarded to entering undergraduate students at Glendon Campus who demonstrate financial need. This award was established by John M. Vincent (BA ’67) who attended Glendon College as a mature student. His positive experience and Glendon professors played a pivotal role in his education and ensuing 28- year career in the Canadian Trade Service (Foreign Affairs) and with the Canadian Department of Industry. He hopes this bursary will enable more students to broaden their knowledge and give them the good general grounding that he got from Glendon which prepared him for a career in public service.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
Glendon International Excellence Scholarship

Application method: apply via the online application form between December 1 and February 15

Deadline: February 15
($10,000 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:
  • The Glendon International Excellence Scholarship will be awarded to international students who are admitted to Glendon with top academic standing. This consists of an overall average of 80% or more (York Factor 8) – or equivalent in your curriculum’s grading scale. Admitted students meeting this criterion will be automatically considered. This award gives 10 recipients $10,000 toward their first year in a Glendon program, renewable for the same amount each year of full-time studies up to a maximum of 4 years. To renew this award recipients must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 8.0 over a minimum of 24 credits taken during a school year (including the preceding summer semester, fall and winter semesters). 
  • Click here to review the full award detail in York’s awards database

Explore the resources below for details on financial assistance available to international applicants. 

Some helpful tips: 

  • Scholarships and awards for international students are limited and you should be prepared to support yourself throughout your studies at York 
  • Awards which do not require an application are noted with “no award application required” — you are automatically considered for them 
  • For awards requiring an application, complete and submit the International Student Scholarship & Award Application form (dates to be confirmed). 
  • US students: It is possible to transfer your government-funded FAFSA loans to assist you when studying at Glendon Campus. York University’s FAFSA code is G07679.

York International Scholarships Requiring an Application

To be considered for the scholarships and awards below, you must submit the International Student Scholarship & Award Application. These scholarships and awards are for applicants with an exceptional academic profile, and who demonstrate leadership through community service or excellence in the arts or sport. Students do not need an offer of admission to apply for York entrance awards and scholarships.
Note: Scholarship values are subject to change.

Important dates:
The Fall/Winter 2025-2026 application will open on December 1, 2024.
The application deadline is February 15, 2025.

Full details will be available in the International Student Scholarship & Award Application form when it opens in December.

Note: A 9-digit York reference number is required, which you will receive within 5 business days of applying to York. Ensure that you submit your application for admission well in advance of the scholarship application deadline February 15, 2025


  • Must be an international student who is required to have a Study Permit to study in Canada 
  • Must have applied to an undergraduate degree program at York that begins in Fall 2025 
  • Must have applied to York directly from high school no more than two years after graduation, and have no previous university or college studies (not applicable to Tentanda Via Award)  
  • Must have an excellent academic record with a minimum “A” average or equivalent (where applicable) 
  • Must have demonstrated leadership through community service or excellence in the arts, sports, or other areas of individual achievement (where applicable) 
  • Must upload one letter of recommendation or other supporting documents as applicable 
  • Must ensure all required documents are shown as “Received” in the York application (MyFile), by February 15, 2025 at 11:59:59pm, Eastern Time 
  • Must complete and submit the online International Student Scholarship Application by February 15, 2025 at 11:59:59pm, Eastern Time 

The Application form is now closed. 

By submitting the International Student Scholarship & Award Application, you will be considered for the scholarships listed below except for the Tentanda Via Award (you must specifically select the Tentanda Via Award on the application form to be considered).

By submitting the International Student Scholarship & Award Application, you will be considered for all of the scholarships listed below: 

Glendon Entrance Scholarships & Awards

Glendon International Excellence Scholarship

Application method: apply via the online application form between December 1 and February 15

Deadline: February 15
($10,000 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • The Glendon International Excellence Scholarship will be awarded to international students who are admitted to Glendon with top academic standing. This consists of an overall average of 80% or more (York Factor 8) – or equivalent in your curriculum’s grading scale. Admitted students meeting this criterion will be automatically considered. This award gives 10 recipients $10,000 toward their first year in a Glendon program, renewable for the same amount each year of full-time studies up to a maximum of 4 years. To renew this award recipients must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 8.0 over a minimum of 24 credits taken during a school year (including the preceding summer semester, fall and winter semesters). 
  • Click here to review the full award detail in York’s awards database
Glendon International Scholarship

Application method: apply via the online application form between December 1 and February 15

Deadline: February 15
$5,000 $10,000

Award description at a glance:

The Annie Demirjian ’77 Scholarship

Application method: apply via the online application form between December 1 and February 15

Deadline: February 15
$5,000 – $10,000 

Award description at a glance:

York Entrance Scholarships & Awards

President’s International Scholarship of Excellence
Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
($45,000 x 4 years) 
Tentanda Via Award
Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
($30,000 x 4 years) 
Global Leader of Tomorrow Award for International Students 
Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
($20,000 x 4 years) 
International Circle of Scholar’s Scholarship
Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
York University Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students
Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
$5,000  – $10,000

Entrance scholarships, awards and bursaries available to Aboriginal applicants are listed in the following table. For awards requiring an application, submit the application via  MyFile as noted below. 

Some helpful tips: 

  • You do not need an offer of admission to apply for scholarships, awards and bursaries 
  • Complete the application early so that you are considered for the most awards possible 
  • The MyFile application closes April 1 
  • If you qualify for one of these awards listed, you will receive an e-mail or letter letting you know the name of the scholarship or award you have received and the value 
  • Full award and eligibility details are available by clicking the award name. Note: Scholarship values are subject to change 
York Entrance Bursary for Indigenous Students

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline:  April 1
($2,200 x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • Available to status and non-status undergraduate students of Aboriginal ancestry who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and are residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need 
  • The bursary is renewable for a maximum of three additional years provided the student maintains a cumulative grade point average of 5.00 (C+) and enrolment in a minimum of 18 credits 
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Tentanda Via Award

Application method:
Domestic applicants apply via MyFile between December 1 and February 15
International applicants apply via the online application form between December 1 and February 15
($10,000 x 4 years) 

Award description at a glance:

  • The Tentanda Via Award has been created to recognize undergraduate students who: (a) Have had to face significant personal barriers, and who despite these challenges, have persevered and demonstrated fortitude and resilience in overcoming these personal barriers in the pursuit of a university education; or (b) Are student leaders/changemakers who are pushing boundaries by demonstrating commitment to progressive and sustainable development initiatives by making a difference regarding compelling issues of our time (either connected to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’) or other complex issues).
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database 
Bennett Family Award for Black and Indigenous Students

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline to apply: April 1
$30,000 (7,500$ x 4 years)

Award description at a glance:

  • The Bennett Family Award for Black and Indigenous Students will be available to students who identify as Black and/or Indigenous. Recipients must have a 75% admission average be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons and residents of Ontario who demonstrate financial need. The award is renewable for 3 additional years provided the recipient maintains a 6.0 sessional GPA. This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with another renewable entrance scholarship, the York University Automatic Entrance Scholarship or the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database
John M. Vincent Bursaries

Application method: Apply via MyFile

Deadline to apply: April 1

Award description at a glance:

  • The John M. Vincent Bursaries will be awarded to entering undergraduate students at Glendon Campus who demonstrate financial need. This award was established by John M. Vincent (BA ’67) who attended Glendon College as a mature student. His positive experience and Glendon professors played a pivotal role in his education and ensuing 28- year career in the Canadian Trade Service (Foreign Affairs) and with the Canadian Department of Industry. He hopes this bursary will enable more students to broaden their knowledge and give them the good general grounding that he got from Glendon which prepared him for a career in public service.
  • Click here to review the full award details in York’s awards database

You are strongly encouraged to explore any other sections on this page which also apply to you. 

Boost your Funding

The scholarships and awards listed above are for future students. In addition, once you become a Glendon student, you could be eligible for various current student bursaries, scholarships and awards. This includes the Glendon Student Engagement Awards which proudly recognize outstanding contributions to our community and leadership in academics; as well as the Glendon Experiential Education Funding Program, which provides support for students engaged in experiential education opportunities.