Glendon Financial Aid
There are many ways you can get financial support during your studies at Glendon. Explore the sections below to find out what applies to your situation and whether you are eligible to receive help.
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (called OSAP) is a government aid program for Ontario resident students. Once you apply to receive OSAP, the government assesses your educational costs and expected financial resources and may offer you options like repayable loans and grants (money you will not need to repay).
The information on this section is aimed primarily at full-time York University degree students applying for OSAP aid.
Steps to Apply to OSAP
Summer OSAP
If you continue to study full time throughout the summer, you can apply to receive OSAP during that period.
Additional OSAP Resources
OSAP can be a complicated program. We have some helpful resources to help you get a better understanding of the program, but as ever, let us know if you have questions!