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Clubs FAQ

First, find out if a similar club already exists at Glendon on the Clubs Portal Page, if not go ahead and apply on YU CONNECT.

You’ll need to have a constitution for your club as well as a list of at least 10 students (full name + student number) interested in joining your club.

Talk to friends and peers you know, share information about your club to peers, ask your professors to do class announcements, etc. In other words, PROMOTE, PROMOTE and PROMOTE!

A constitution is a governing document comprised of fundamental principles or established precedents that guarantees members of the club transparency, accountability and fairness.

Follow the guidelines in this document to make your constitution.

Please refer to the ‘Event Planning Flow Chart’ document on YU Connect and the Clubs Portal.

Please refer to the ‘Bake Sale Guidelines ~ Directives pour la vente de pâtisseries’ document on YU Connect.

Please refer to the instructions provided on the Glendon Student Affairs/Affaires étudiantes YU Connect page (under organizations).  

To learn about making a budget, attend Clubs 101, here is an EN – EXPENSES sheet you may use, and visit the clubs portal for further information. For further assistance, please schedule a consultation meeting with the Office of Student Affairs by emailing studentaffairs@glendon.yorku.ca.

Please refer to the instructions provided on the Glendon Student Affairs/Affaires étudiantes YU Connect page (under organizations).  

In order to get funding, you must have a separate bank account for your club, you cannot use a personal bank account. You must also have 2 signing authorities for your club’s bank account. To open a bank account, please request a bank letter by emailing studentaffairs@glendon.yorku.ca

To submit a funding request, please fill out Formulaire de demande de financement | Funding Application Form on YU Connect.

Please refer to the ‘Club Handbook 10-07-14′ document on YU Connect for instructions on how to register a club.

To renew your club, you must update the club’s constitution, the member list, upload meeting minutes, and relevant financial documents on YU Connect. Check the deadline on the main club’s page.

No, once you register a club and it is approved, you must attend Clubs 101 – an orientation for all clubs.

Forms can be found on the Clubs Portal page and YU Connect.

Visit the Club’s Directory to find the contact information of all clubs at York.

Check the deadline on the main club’s page.

A levy organization receives yearly funding levied from tuition while student clubs must apply for funding (i.e. Radio Glendon is a levy organization while Glendon Dance Team is a club).

There’s no one specific way to promote but here’s a few to help get your club started: make a newsletter entry, put up posters around campus, make posts on social media, tell your friends, ask your professors to make in-class announcements, etc.

Organizations registered at Keele must email the Office of Student Affairs at  studentaffairs@glendon.yorku.ca for approval and fill out necessary forms.

There are different bodies to register clubs at York University with. Glendon clubs must be registered with Office of Student Affairs (OSA) while Keele clubs can register with York Federation of Students (YFS) and/or Student Community and Leadership Development (SCLD).

Students must email the Office of Student Affairs at studentaffairs@glendon.yorku.ca for approval and fill out necessary forms.

  • Academic
  • Political Organization
  • Radio/Media
  • Hobby/Interests
  • Spiritual/Religious
  • Environmental
  • Advocacy/Charitable

A list serv is a list of all students in the program and may be useful to academic clubs who want to make announcements for the students within their program.

To obtain a list serv for your club to use, please contact the specific department and request them for the list serv on behalf of your club.

You can log into YU Connect with your Passport York account to access resources for your club.