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Running A Club

There are several steps to keep in mind when it comes to setting up and running your club. These include the club’s mandate as well as more concrete aspects such as funding and budgeting. Fortunately, the GCSU and OSA have created and organized a variety of tools, resources, and workshops on all aspects of club management and development. Click on the name of the workshop for a summary and available resources.

In addition to its mission statement, a student organization will need to define its strategy, or direction, and allocate its resources in pursuit of their mission. This workshop helps with this organization process and introduces students to methods of delegation and project management. Download the Action Plan to see a step by step guide and create your strategy.

The best kind of teams are ones with strong and unique interpersonal rapport, where students support one another to achieve a common goal. Download the presentation on Team Building, then proceed to the  Team Building Exercises for some examples and suggestions.

In order to promote your platform, it is important to make the public aware of your venture. Download the Step-by-Step Publicity Plan to make your marketing more effective. You may also want to consider tabling as a way to establish a dynamic relationship with your clients through face-to-face interaction. We’ve compiled some Tabling Tips for you.

When taking on a new project, it is important to be able to identify, evaluate, and prioritize any potential risks to the team and to the venture. Download the Final Risk-Management-Matrix-1-1 to better prepare your club.

An organization’s social media presence is a vital part of its identity and impact. This workshop helps students to establish a distinct social media presence for their organization and/or personal brand for promotion and publicity.

All student organizations need to maintain thorough financial records in order to keep things going. The purpose of this workshop is to provide students with an accessible budgeting template and methodology to help facilitate financial organization and event management. Here is an Expenses worksheet you can use to budget for events and campaigns.

Whether you are a club exec or a general member, every good leader needs soft skills to help them positively interact with members of their team. This workshop helps students to identify and implement a variety of leadership skills.