Instagram Live Videos about Glendon History... Plus Two Glendon History Professors featured in Fall 2022 e-magazines!

Instagram Live Videos about Glendon History... Plus Two Glendon History Professors featured in Fall 2022 e-magazines!

Professors Mark Jurdjevic and Gillian McGillivray did interviews with Glendon liaison last fall about our program (the first 30 seconds are in French then we switch to English), please feel free to check those out! And Glendon History Professors Rose Ndengue and Gillian McGillivray were featured, respectively, in Shifter Canadian Black Culture Magazine and York's inaugural issue of y-file Aspire research e-magazine. Ndengue's profile, written by Avah Taylor, is entitled "How Glendon's Dr. Rose Ndengue is Fighting for an Equitable Place in Society for Black Women." It appeared in the November 15, 2022 issue of Shifter. McGillivray's profile, written by Elaine Smith, is entitled "Book offers a sweet exploration of power and politics." It appeared in the October 13, 2022 issue of Aspire. Current and potential history students are encouraged to check out the articles! The image featured above is the cover of McGillivray's forthcoming edited volume, scheduled for publication by Lexington Press in January 2023.