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Meet the 2021 Alumni Awards recipients

The York University Alumni Board has recognized four distinguished York students for their academic excellence and student leadership. We are proud to announce the recipients of the 2021 Alumni Awards and Scholarships. Anjelica Ramsewack (BA ’21) – Alumni Golden GRADitude Award The Alumni Golden GRADitude Award recognizes graduating students who leave York University a better place […]

Four Glendon community members presented with pan-university awards

Dear Glendon Community Members, I have some very exciting news to announce. Four members of our Glendon community were recently presented with pan-university awards. What a great accomplishment! We are enormously proud of them and the honour they have brought to Glendon. 2021 Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award The Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership […]

Invitation to Glendon/York Forum ouvert – FSL Hub Open Forum – June 5, and June 12 and 13, 2021

Conceived as a community-driven project, Camerise is a user-centred digital platform designed to bring together students, educators, administrators, parents, and FSL organizations in a collaborative effort to synthesize information and communication on existing initiatives and knowledge to address together systemic challenges and find solutions that will facilitate access to FSL programs across the country in […]

Gaming Offers Deeper Understanding of Anishinaabe Language and Culture

Students by the dozens have joined the fight to protect Anishinaabemowin (the Ojibwe language) from the Linguicidals as part of Maya Chacaby’s Glendon Campus language classes. How could any student, brought up in a world that takes gaming culture and activities for granted, resist this informal course description: “Once, Anishinaabe lived in beautiful homelands, connected to […]


Camerise: The Seed of Sustainable FSL Education Camerise is the fruit of a shared vision that brings together students, educators, and administrators. Its purpose is to ensure that language learners have access to an inclusive and engaging education, as well as to the support needed to reach their full and unique potential as bilingual and […]

Glendon Students Turn Their Backyards into Labs

Glendon Campus biology students need to learn fieldwork techniques, pandemic, or no pandemic, so Laura McKinnon decided to send them out into their backyards to practice. Usually, McKinnon teaches this mandatory course, “Ecological Monitoring in an Urban Environment,” as a 12-day intensive course as part of the Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology. Students normally band birds, […]

Who Are Ontario’s Green Drivers and How Can We Incentivize More of Them?

New research shows that drivers of electric vehicles represent one per cent of new car owners – this, ten years after a provincial push to encourage green driving. One researcher learns more about these consumers and advocates gaining additional info on them to better tailor the strategy. In 2010, the Province of Ontario launched an […]

Notre message à la communauté de l’Université Laurentienne | Our Message to the Laurentian Community

English message follows Pour bon nombre d’entre nous, c’est sur les campus universitaires que l’on planifie son avenir, que l’on part à la découverte de soi, d’une carrière ou de la quête du savoir. Collectivités grandes et petites bénéficient de la force motrice essentielle des établissements postsecondaires, agents de changement positif. Au cours des dernières […]

Glendon Graduate Celebrates Winning Inaugural McCall MacBain Scholarship

At the end of a rigorous six-month scholarship application process, including two rounds of interviews, Glendon graduate and future positive changemaker Amanda Sears (BA ’20) joined a life-changing Zoom call. On the call, Sears learned she was among 20 Canadians chosen as inaugural McCall MacBain Scholars, recipients of the country’s first comprehensive leadership-based scholarship that supports master’s […]