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Glendon student Cyrielle Ngeleka is an ambitious young leader with a heart for helping others

Written by Kevin Bourne and originally published in Shifter Magazine. Whether through law or humanitarian work, Glendon student Cyrielle Ngeleka is a young woman on the rise with growing ambitions to help others. Third year International Studies and Business Administration student, Cyrielle Ngeleka, is one of those young women you meet and instantly know she’s going to do […]

Glendon’s Yerro Gassama is a man well-travelled

Written by Kevin Bourne and originally published in Shifter Magazine. York University graduate and Glendon College Student Life Coordinator, Yerro Gassama, is a man well-travelled having lived in Africa, Europe and now Canada. Yerro Gassama is a man well-travelled. Born and raised in Gambia until seven years old, he’d eventually move to Togo, Switzerland, Uganda, France, and Senegal before […]

How Glendon’s Dr. Rose Ndengue is fighting for an equitable place in society for Black women

Written by Avah Taylor and originally published in Shifter Magazine. Through her courses, Glendon College professor, Dr. Rose Ndengue, is fighting for an equitable place in society for Black women. For Dr. Rose Ndengue, her road to joining the Department of History at York University‘s Glendon Campus as an assistant professor in 2021 had its challenges. At just 15 […]

Black History Month at Glendon

Photo Credit: Government of Canada This year’s BHM program will focus on Black resistance with the aim of remembering important achievements made by Black Canadians in the face of multiple struggles. Click on the title for each event for more information, and register using the RSVP links. GLENDON PROFILES Rose Ndengue How Glendon’s Dr. Rose Ndengue is […]

Glendon’s partnership with Toronto French School is an EE success

Elaine Smith The partnership offers a win-win for students at Glendon and the Toronto French School. The collaboration between the two institutions has led to a full-year experiential education (EE) opportunity in the form of a professional work placement course. When Mallory Nettleton heard about the opportunity to engage students at Toronto French School (TFS) with the […]

Presenting the Best Moments of 2022

Celebrating all the ways in which the Glendon community created positive change in 2022. Glendon launches Glendon Connect: Alumni Mentorship Program Glendon introduces a Guide to gender inclusive writing in French Emily Laxer, professor of sociology at Glendon, joins the York Research Chairs Program Indigenous Metaverse project joins UNESCO campaign to promote and protect Indigenous […]

Glendon launches Glendon Connect: Alumni Mentorship Program

This fall, Glendon College launched its first ever Glendon Connect: Alumni Mentorship Program, an initiative that aims to provide networking opportunities for Glendon students with alumni leaders from a variety of fields and backgrounds.  For 8 weeks each semester, participating students have the opportunity to connect with a wide range of alumni mentors for coffee-chat […]

Meet Marie Foolchand (BA French Studies ’21)

Entertaining and educating the world, one TikTok at a time. To those close to her, she’s Marie Foolchand, a “quiet girl” with a passion for poetry and travelling. But to her audience of more than one million followers, she’s better known by her TikTok handle @laframbuesaa. When Marie first joined the platform, she never expected […]

Indigenous Metaverse project joins UNESCO campaign to promote and protect Indigenous languages

A York University-funded project to develop an Indigenized curriculum and create experiential education opportunities has joined the UNESCO organization to promote and protect endangered Indigenous languages. Funded by York’s Academic Innovation Fund (AIF), Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse has joined the global community for UNESCO’s International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) 2022-2032. Biskaabiiyaang joins 1,400 associated […]