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Meet Dalia Ashry (BA’14 Linguistics & Language Studies)

How One Journalist’s Plan C Became Her Life’s Passion For Dalia Ashry, becoming a journalist wasn’t plan A. It wasn’t even plan B. When she arrived at Glendon College as a Linguistics and Language Studies major, she aimed to become a speech therapist. Over the course of her studies, she pivoted and chose teaching before […]

Meet Clinton Jang-Naruse (BA’17 Mathematics  and BED’17 Mathematics and French studies)

How Clinton Jang-Naruse helps students meet their full potential in challenging times The pandemic has introduced unprecedented challenges to Canada’s teachers. But Clinton Jang-Naruse is exceptionally clear about his goal as an Assistant Curriculum Leader in the TDSB: Continue to help students achieve their full potential. “I always dreamed of becoming a teacher when I […]

Meet Neil Orford (BA’86 History)

How Award-Winning Teacher Neil Orford Preserves Canadian History Many people take years to find their life’s passion. Neil Orford was fortunate to find his rather young: history. “I was lucky to be raised in a home where History abounded. Both my parents were older and were veterans of World War II, and they were inveterate […]

Meet Mark R. Allio (BA’77 Psychology)

Alum’s gift in brother’s (and fellow alum’s) memory creates global experiences for students Travel can dramatically change a person’s life trajectory. It certainly did for alumnus Mark R. Allio, and he wants to ensure Glendon students have the same opportunity. When Mark arrived at Glendon in the mid-seventies, he was the only American on campus. […]

Meet Juan Luis Garrido (BA’16 Sociology and Drama Studies)

How Glendon taught Juan Luis Garrido to create positive change through storytelling Decades from now, Juan Luis Garrido wants to say he did three things: Served as a positive representative for his communities, created opportunities for under-represented communities to share their stories, and assisted in shifting the cultural conversation around community care. They’re big goals, […]

Meet Rosemary Sadlier (BA Sociology)

How This Glendon Alumna Helped Make Black History Month Official in Canada If there’s one mantra that’s made a meaningful difference in Rosemary Sadlier’s life, it’s to “grow where you’re planted”. After graduating from Glendon with a BA in Sociology, she faced a familiar new graduate roadblock: she couldn’t find a job. “I volunteered to […]

Meet Nancy Thornton (BA’73 Political Science)

Glendon alumna funds future global education opportunities with $100,000 donation A great education opens doors. It offers insight into how people outside one’s community live, preparation for building a successful career, and a chance to form meaningful friendships with curious and ambitious classmates. Nancy Thornton is happy to say that she got the full package […]

Meet Michele Wong (BA’08 Political Science)

How Michele Wong uses her Glendon education to empower women worldwide “I’ve always been passionate about women’s empowerment,” says Michele Wong. Since graduating with a BA in Political Science, this passion has taken Michele around the world. She worked as Director of Girls & Women Programming for The Belinda Stronach Foundation before earning a master’s […]

Meet Ankit Mishra (BA’11 Mathematics)

This mathematics grad is using his multilingual education to solve the world’s problems After graduating with a Mathematics degree from Glendon in 2011, Ankit Mishra looked for ways to use it to make the world a better place. Today, he works as a Growth Marketer at Alariss, a talent marketplace that specializes in helping companies […]