Our efforts have led to the emergence of an active and diverse community of researchers, including three innovative research centres on-campus. The Glendon Research office ensures that our research community receives the support to identify funding and award opportunities, develop proposals, administer research funds and assist on other research-related matters.

Awards, Opportunities, Projects & Funding
Find internal and external funding opportunities and information about the supports available to researchers.

Research Ethics
Navigate the ethics review and approval process, get help with your submission and find the forms you need.

Research Centres
Glendon’s on-campus research centres are dedicated expertise hubs for researchers to collaborate and share ideas.

Meet our Researchers
Learn about the Glendon professors who are actively doing research and their area of expertise, as well as post-doctoral researchers, adjunct professors and faculty.

Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
Undergraduate students who are passionate about research and seeking to embark on research projects for credit in advance of obtaining their degree can do so through the RAP program.