Find yourself at home. Living in one of Glendon’s safe, convenient on-campus housing options puts you right at the heart of the community, steps away from your classes. You’ll have access to residence support services, fitness facilities, organized social events and more. Get all the details you need about living in residence on our beautiful campus, including application processes, rates, meal plan details, occupancy terms and key deadlines.

Explore Our Residences
In our two on-campus residences — Wood and Hilliard — you’ll find housing options to accommodate your needs. You’ll find an even mix of first- and upper-year students in residence, as well as the opportunity to build lasting friendships with English- and French-speaking students from across Canada and around the world.
We recently invested more than $10 million in residence improvements, including new furniture and better accessibility. Check them out here!
In these four-storey traditional-style residences, you’ll get:
- Semi-private suites, with 90% of accommodations designated as single rooms
- Self-contained community bathrooms with private toilet and shower rooms, and shared sink spaces
- Conversation areas, and study and community spaces
- Full accessibility to all student spaces (Hilliard) or partial accessibility (Wood)
- High-speed Internet access, plus a LAN that gives you access to software from our computer labs right in your room
- All-gender floors, as well as a female-only wing
- Residence meal plan, which runs on a debit card system in the Glendon Dining Hall, as well as on the Keele campus
- A live and learn community, called Maison francophone
Your Support Team
Meet the Res Life Team! First, there are Dons, who are senior student staff members who work to create a respectful community environment, answer your questions, ensure your health and safety, and promote awareness of diversity. They are empowered to help you with academic concerns, stress management and roommate conflict, and are trained in first aid and CPR. You also have access to your Residence Life Coordinator, who is a full-time University staff member living in residence, dedicated to facilitating the day-to-day management of residence.
While living on campus, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in our residence-wide programming and community-building activities. Whatever your need, we are here for you!

Apply for Residence Through York Housing Services
To apply for residence, get the costs of residence and meal plans, understand the selection process and get answers to the most frequently asked questions, visit York Housing Services.