Glendon Computer Labs

The computer labs offer students access to high-speed internet access, powerful software and printing services to support every student's academic needs. To access any of the public labs (excluding specialized labs), the student or employee must have a valid Passport York account.


  • YH 220 (28 computers)
  • YH 030A (46 computers)
  • FL 207D - Second floor of the Frost Library (16 computers)


  • The Breezeway (6 computers)
  • Frost library reading room (8 computers)
  • Frost library lobby (9 computers)
  • Frost library second floor common space (6 computers)


  • Users must abide by the Senate Policy on Computing and Information Technology.
  • Food and/or drinks are not allowed in the labs.
  • Talking on cell phone is not permitted in the labs.  You may however use your phone for quiet activities (ie. text, browse the web, etc.).
  • Out of respect to other users, please keep noise to a minimum.  Use headphones if you are listening to audio.
  • Sharing of computer accounts is forbidden.  Any account found to be used by another person will be locked.
  • Files left on computers (C: drive) are deleted after a computer restart.
  • Computers left unused will be automatically logged out.
  • Do not disconnect any computer cables (network, mouse, keyboard, monitor, power). Contact the helpdesk if you need assistance.

Printing Services

Glendon provides black and white as well as colour printing in all our publicly accessible printers. To print, students must have a valid Passport York account and ID with available funds on their account. For black and white it is 10¢/page and for colour it is 25¢/page.

  • YH 030A
  • The Breezeway
  • YH 220
  • First floor of Frost Library

Best Practices

  • Save your work to Google Drive / OneDrive or to a flash drive/USB key.
  • Never share your Passport York credentials.
  • Do not save files on the computer’s hard drive (C:).
  • Always log off when you leave a computer.
  • Don’t leave your belongings unattended in the labs.  We are not responsible for lost items.  If an item is found, it will be taken to the Security Office (Greenhouse).

For Support 
