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Research and Innovation

Who Are Ontario’s Green Drivers and How Can We Incentivize More of Them?

New research shows that drivers of electric vehicles represent one per cent of new car owners – this, ten years after a provincial push to encourage green driving. One researcher learns more about these consumers and advocates gaining additional info on them to better tailor the strategy. In 2010, the Province of Ontario launched an […]

Exploring the European Union through a Dutch Lens

“Most courses about the European Union (EU) focus on Brussels and tend to miss the member states,” said Professor Willem Maas, but that’s not the case for his Glendon summer course, "The Netherlands and Europeanization." The summer seminar course offers an in-depth look at the political, social and economic transformations the EU has wrought and the […]

Glendon's community-based initiatives improve language skills while breaking isolation

To lessen the social isolation caused by the pandemic, faculty and staff at York University’s Glendon Campus have sought ways to build connections among students and the community. Much of this work has been done remotely and Glendon has some notable successes. Thanks to the efforts of Sabrina Sirois, an experiential education coordinator at Glendon, and Usha […]