Welcome to Translation!

Gain in-demand communication skills while you study translation in our unique language-focused multicultural campus community. You’ll study alongside dedicated, dynamic professors in small classes that allow you to network with peers and get one-on-one attention. As a Translation graduate, you’ll find lots of dynamic, well-paid work opportunities in the language and communication professions in Canada and abroad.

Learn about program details.

Already hold an undergrad degree? Explore our Accelerated Honours B.A. in Translation.

Skills You'll Learn

  • How to express your thoughts clearly in written work, as well as oral presentations in a second (or third) language  
  • Understanding of different media and translation methods in contemporary professional settings 


As a Translation graduate, you are well-equipped to become a leader and changemaker. You can choose to pursue graduate studies or obtain additional qualifications. Here are a few examples of possible career paths:  

  • Translator  
  • Project Manager 
  • Bilingual writer 
  • Consultant 
  • Bilingual editor 
  • Interpreter  
  • Speech writer  
  • Librarian 
  • Legal aide 
  • Diplomat  
  • Media correspondent  
  • Non-profit organization director  
  • Human rights advocate 
  • Public relations representative  
  • International development worker  
  • Public policy advisor  
  • Lobbyist  
  • UN representative 

Visit the Career Centre for more career options in Translation. 

Hands-On Experiences

Apply the concepts and theories you’re studying to real world challenges. Engage in guided practical experiences in the classroom, workplace, community and abroad. These are some opportunities for Translation students: 

  • Attend the School of Translation’s monthly conference series to hear about translation projects and research 
  • Apply for a credited internship in the private or public sector 
  • Volunteer at the annual Glendon Graduate Conference in Translation Studies  
  • Participate in the annual Translation Games  
  • Enrol in our Advanced Translation Practicum course, where you will translate real-world projects from York and external clients 
  • Work on practical real-world challenges by enrolling in the C4 (Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom) 

Admission Requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent, with average* of mid-to-high 70s  
  • Minimum of 6 4U or 4M courses, including 4U English (ENG4U) or FRA4U for applicants from French-language high schools  
  • A combination of U and M courses, along with OACs, are accepted  
  • 4U French (FRA4U, FIF4U, or FEF4U) and 4U English required  

*Average is calculated based on the top six 4U, 4M or DU courses 

Check out the full requirements.

Student Supports & Programs

Glendon Campus prides itself on being a supportive community that goes the extra mile to ensure you get the help you need. See some of the resources Translation students use the most. 

Meet Your Professors

You’ll learn from and get to know friendly, high-profile professors who are experts in the field. 

Qjinti Barrios van der Valk

York Hall 162

Aurelia Klimkiewicz

York Hall C205
416-736-2100 x 88541

Sanjukta Banerjee


Marie-Elaine Bourgeois


Caroline Disler 


Ugo Ellefsen


Janice Flavien


Sabine Lauffer


Jamie Roberts


Lionel Tona


News & Events

Get involved on campus and in the community to meet fellow students and boost your Glendon experience. 

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