Home » Accelerated Honours B.A. in Translation for degree holders

Accelerated Honours B.A. in Translation for degree holders

Already hold a university degree and interested in honing your language skills? Our Accelerated Honours BA in English to French or French to English Translation is designed to prepare you for a career in the language industry with just 2 years of full-time study. The core courses for this program are essentially the same as our other Honours BA programs; however, you need only fulfill half the requirements (60 credits) to obtain this Accelerated Degree. You can do so on a full or part-time basis. 

Starting September 2023, the Accelerated Honours BA program can be completed online or in person. Some of our courses are fully online for all students. Other courses are offered in person but will now be held in HyFlex classrooms that allow remote students to attend via Zoom. 

Our graduates are well-trained translation professionals who find jobs in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Many also go on to pursue studies at the graduate level (Masters and PhD). 


The program features a core curriculum of general and specialized courses in areas such as literary, financial, and medical translation, as well as theory courses and research-for-specific-purposes courses such as documentation and terminology, and computer-assisted translation. 

It also includes innovative elements such as: 

  • The integration of translation technologies in teaching; 
  • Online components; 
  • Collaborative translation work; 
  • A practicum component, essential for a smooth transition into the job market. 
Students in a classroom.

Admission Requirements

Students must: 

  • have a university degree and  
  • have passed the Qualifying Exam for the School of Translation. 

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and would like to apply for admission to the School of Translation, you will be required to: 

  1. Contact the School of Translation at 416-487-6742 or translation@glendon.yorku.ca to make arrangements to write the online qualifying exam. 
  1. Successfully pass the online qualifying exam.
  1. Apply for admission to Glendon through the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC)OR apply directly to Glendon

For additional details on program requirements, please consult the York University Course Calendar for this program.


Translation requires advanced writing and comprehension skills in both languages. Translators must also have a good knowledge of both cultures, be aware of current affairs, and be curious about the world around them. The exam is designed, therefore, to assess your chances of being successful in our program. We focus on the quality of your writing in English and in French, and on your reading comprehension in both languages.

FORMAT: The exam is administered online. You are given two articles to read, one in English and one in French. Each is followed by two questions, one in each language. You must answer in the same language as the question.

*The maximum time allotted is 4 hours.

RESOURCES: You are allowed, and even encouraged, to use dictionaries.

Note: Do this exam on your own, without any outside help, so that the results reflect your knowledge and skills, not someone else’s.

HOW TO ACCESS THE QUALIFYING EXAM: A $25.00 fee is required from all outside applicants. Send us an email at translation@glendon.yorku.ca. We will send you instructions on how to pay the fee. Once we’ve received confirmation of payment, we will send you the link to the exam, as well as detailed instructions.

QUESTIONS? Please email us at translation@glendon.yorku.ca or call 416-487-6742.

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