
Need to learn how to use our equipment, software or how to produce your best work? You’re in the right place! Explore our tutorials to master your craft and make your project come to life.

Digital storytelling starts with a great story. No matter how great the equipment you’re using is, what matters first is the story you want to share. Digital storytelling is a practice that creates short, sometimes personal, multimedia stories, it facilitates social engagements and links with the community, and it involves collaboration.

Glendon Digital Showcase

At the end of each year, we’ll organize a showcase of digital storytelling projects, so if you created one or you are a professor and had your students work on such an assignment, let us know at glmedialab@glendon.yorku.ca.

Ethics and Copyrights Guidelines

All projects made withing the context of a credited course that involves human participants (i.e. interviews) must be compliant with York University Office of Research Ethics. Ask your professor for more information.

All projects must be compliant with York University guidelines regarding copyright laws. Ask your professor for more information.

We created a workshop video series for the Media Lab that will guide you through the video creation process. View the 11 short videos below:

The Glendon Digital Media Lab has a 10 videos workshop on digital storytelling and video creation. It takes you step-by-step through the process of telling a documentary style story on video.

If you want to know more about the equipment, go to the equipment page and consult the videos recommended below each equipment kit.

Recommended Software Tutorials

1. Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is available on the computers of our lab in YH 144, but if you want to start working on your project at home, you can download for free the starter plan of Adobe Premiere Rush to do some basic editing and move your project to Premiere Pro for more specific edits. A good and short tutorial on working in Adobe Premiere Rush and setting up your timeline can be found here. Check out this series of tutorials on how to use Adobe Premiere Rush.

Introduction to Premiere Pro

2. Adobe Animate CC

3. Adobe Character Animator

4. Advanced Tutorials

About Adobe

All 50+ Adobe apps explained in 10 minutes

1. Adobe InDesign

2. Adobe Illustrator

3. Photoshop

4. The WITNESS Video Advocacy

The WITNESS Video Advocacy curriculum is based on learnings and expertise gained over 25 years of working with partners around the world to use video to expose abuses and advocate for justice. The curriculum contains 7 modules and 37 individual sessions which cover both advocacy strategy and hands-on video production. Though originally designed for an eight to ten-day training, we encourage you to explore the sessions that interest you, download the materials and tailor the curriculum for your individual use.