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About the Strategy

Engaging the World: York University's Global Engagement and Internationalization Strategy was developed and published after a rigorous consultation process. York is deeply committed to to integrating our diverse community's thoughts and voices, to share best practices and leverage vital opportunities

The President’s Council on Internationalization and Global Engagement membership represents each of York’s faculties, its Central Administrative Units, including Research, Students, Advancement, the York University English Language Institute, and York International — as well as undergraduate, graduate, and international students. The council was tasked with the development of a strategic internationalization and global engagement plan, which involved two key phases.

The first phase was the creation of an issue paper summarizing York’s strengths, challenges, risks, and opportunities regarding internationalization. The document, “Globally Minded and Globally Engaged: Towards an integrated strategy and framework for internationalization and global engagement,” served as a springboard for the second phase: a university-wide consultation process.

From September 2019 through March 2020, we solicited insights from the York community through a wide variety of consultations including with Faculty councils, students, staff, alumni, local and global partners and administrative and governance committees of York. Participants were asked to reflect on the University’s current internationalization and global engagement activities, consider methods for expansion, and the further inclusion of student, faculty, staff, partners, and alumni contributions.

After delays due to the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the final version of the Strategy launched in late 2022 and continues to chart York's global engagement.

Expand Inclusive Global and Intercultural Learning  

  • Promote internationalization of curricula and pedagogy
  • Embed global fluency within the student experience
  • Lower barriers to international experiences, create diverse options, and emphasize positive value
  • Leverage the diverse communities of York, Ontario, and Canada

Enhance the Experience of International Students 

  • Develop a robust recruitment strategy to increase and diversify the international student body
  • Create a supportive, inclusive environment of mutual learning between international and local students
  • Support student connections with York from pre-recruitment to post-graduation

Engage in Global Research and Innovation  

  • Strengthen and scale the development of networked research clusters
  • Attract and retain emerging talent: graduate students, postdoctoral fellow and faculty research leaders from around the world
  • Results and impact driven research

Elevate Global Stewardship, Partnerships, Profile and Impact

  • Develop a multi-dimensional approach to selecting and developing strategic partnerships
  • Enhance resiliency and respond effectively to global macro forces and prioritize action on global climate change
  • Develop a robust communication and global engagement strategy
  • Improve York's position in benchmarking initiatives to better reflect and enhance our impact
  • Foster enduring connections to York's network of alumni
  • Lisa Philipps, Chair (Provost and Vice President Academic)
  • Lily M. Cho (Associate Dean, Global & Community Engagement, LA&PS)
  • Pablo Idahosa (Professor of African Studies & College Head, LA&PS)
  • Les Jacobs (York Research Chair in Human Rights and Access to Justice, Director of Institute for Social Research)
  • Shahirose Premji (Director of School of Nursing, Faculty of Health)
  • Lorna Wright (Associate Professor of International Business & Organizational Studies, Executive Director of Centre for Global Enterprise, Schulich School of Business)
  • Roger Keil (Professor of Global Suburbanisms, Faculty of Environmental Studies)
  • Roopa Desai Trilokekar (Associate Professor, International Education, Faculty of Education)
  • Colin M. Coates (Professor of Canadian Studies, Glendon)
  • Craig M. Scott (Professor of Public & Private International Law, Osgoode Hall Law School)
  • Mary Helen Armour (Department of Science & Technology Studies, Faculty of Science)
  • John Gales (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering)
  • Ian Garrett (Theatre, School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design)
  • Thomas Leobel (Dean and Associate Vice President, Faculty of Graduate Studies)
  • Neville McGuire (Chief of Staff, President’s Office)
  • Julie Lafford (Executive Director, Alumni Relations)
  • Rui Wang (Interim Vice-President Research & Innovation)
  • Lucy Fromowitz (Vice Provost, Students)
  • Vinitha Gengatharan (Executive Director, York International)
  • Isaac Garcia Sitton (Director, International Education, School of Continuing Studies)
  • Rawan Habib (President, York Federation of Students)
  • Jake Okechukwu (International Graduate Student)
  • Yolanda Weima (YUGSA)
  • Zachary Gouveia (UG student LA&PS – Exchange student in Japan)
  • Jason Ma (UG International (China) Student LA&PS)
  • Prince Barpaga (UG International (India) Student Lassonde)
  • The issue paper prepared with contributions from Professors Adrian Shubert, Roopa Desai Trilolkekar, Pablo Idahosa, Craig Martin Scott, Shahirose Premji, and York International: Amira El Masri, and Vinitha Gengatharan.
  • Consultations were conducted by Vinitha Gengatharan and
    Amira El Masri.
  • The Internationalization and Global Engagement Plan and the Action Plan prepared with contributions from: Professors Adrian Shubert, Roopa Desai Trilokekar and York International professionals: Skandha Sunderasen, Woo Kim, Helen Balderama, Alexander Maavara and Vinitha Gengatharan.