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South America

York’s membership in CALAREO, a hemispheric consortium, begins to blossom

By Elaine Smith Although he knew little Spanish, Adam Hallag, a fourth-year York electrical engineering student, jumped at the opportunity to spend a couple of months this summer as a research intern at the Universidad Tecnólgica San Juan del Rio in Mexico’s state of Querétaro. “I wanted to have a professional opportunity to add to my […]

York students learn side-by-side with Colombian classmates

By Elaine Smith Students are easily tempted by courses that include a trip abroad as part of the curriculum, but Hispanic Geopoetics: Geography, Literature, Identity, taught by Alejandro Zamora, offered an extra treat: classmates from the Universidad del Magdalena (UniMag) in the Colombian Caribbean region of the course’s field study. Zamora, an associate professor of Hispanic […]

Children's health course tackles SDGs with an assist from globally networked learning

Collaborating with students from Ecuador on a class project was an eye-opening experience for Danielle Legerman, a fourth-year student in York University’s Children, Childhood and Youth Studies (CCY) program and president of the new United Future Teachers’ Association. “It was the first opportunity I had for globally networked learning (GNL) in university and it was exciting,” said Legerman. […]

Indigenous students shine online in virtual pilot program

When Jennifer Rokaya Sedgewick wears beaded earrings, she’s making a statement about resistance to colonial norms and making herself visible as an Indigenous woman. In fact, the York University PhD student has largely decolonized her wardrobe, ensuring that her clothing choices reflect her identity. “Eurocentric norms dictate proper appearance,” said Sedgewick, who is Métis. “Fashion is resistance.” […]

Virtual Indigenous Student Exchange Program a hit with participants

Students and faculty alike are applauding the Indigenous Student Exchange Program, an eight-week pilot program that will end with a virtual public celebration of cross-cultural and transnational learning on April 7. “It has been incredible to see the students engage with the program, take charge of the subject matter and generously share their Indigenous knowledge and heritage. The […]