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2024 Global Research Funding Opportunities Available:

York’s Global Research Excellence (GRE) Seed Fund empowers York to drive positive change by supporting York’s emerging and established research leaders collaboratively build and lead impactful global research networks. Being one of Canada’s largest research-intensive universities, York operates on a global scale by serving as an international hub for many critical areas of inquiry. GRE supports investigator-led collaborations that have targeted outcomes while also affording York research teams the ability to take risks and the versatility to work with leading universities, industry, government agencies, IGOs and NGOs from across the world.

Researchers across the globe are invited to provide a joint proposal with York U faculty experts to further their research with over $270,000 in available funding.

GRE fulfills the University’s commitment, in Engaging the World: York University’s Internationalization and Global Engagement Strategy launched in 2023, to strengthen international research engagement by investing in a seed fund to catalyze such collaborations. The inaugural GRE call has two funding Streams A & B. Please see below for detailed information on guidelines and applications for each GRE funding Stream. The ethos of both streams is to advance York's global engagement and research impact as detailed in York University's Academic Plan 2020-25. Additionally, York research is guided by university's Strategic Research Plan, which has prioritized York researchers address the most pressing issues of our time. These include:

  • Digital Cultures and Disruptive Technologies
  • Healthy Communities, Equity and Global Well-Being
  • Indigenous Futurities
  • Climate Action for a Sustainable Planet
  • Social Justice, Peace and Equitable Relations
  • Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Innovation.  

Meet some of our leading researchers

Funding Details

GRE Stream A
The Stream aims to support York faculty develop research & training or capacity development projects with global collaborators. This fund supports the exploration or development or deepening of international research partnerships with leading overseas collaborators.

GRE Stream B
GRE-Stream B grant will support York faculty to inform, learn about, and help shape current & emerging multilateral priorities by supporting York faculty’s direct engagement with: Intergovernmental organizations (UN system, G7/G20, OECD, ASEAN, African Union, etc.), AND/OR global platforms (World Economic Forum, Aspen Ideas Festival, Munich Security Conference etc.) in collaboration with other key stakeholders to strengthen multilateralist approaches to resolving global challenges.

Eric Kennedy

Eric Kennedy is an associate professor in York University’s Disaster & Emergency Management program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS). His research focuses on how to: improve decision-making in emergency contexts; enhance disaster training; create better policies for preventing and responding to emergencies; and improving research and evaluation methods in disaster contexts.


Usman Khan

Usman Khan is an associate professor of civil engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering. His research interests lie in water resources engineering, focusing on urban hydrology, including flood risk assessment and uncertainty analysis, sustainable water resource management and infrastructure, and the impacts of climate change on these systems. Khan specializes in developing novel machine learning and artificial intelligence methods for various engineering applications. The role of civil engineering in creating vibrant, liveable and sustainable cities is a strong motivator for Khan. He is committed to using his professional practice to meet the challenges that face the urban environment.


Sapna Sharma

Sapna Sharma is an associate professor in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, at York University. Her research highlights how lakes worldwide respond to climate change, including rapid ice loss, warming water temperatures, degrading water quality, and changing fish distributions. Her research has led to an induction into the Royal Society of Canada – College of New Scholars, she has been named one of Canada’s Top 10 Women Water Scientists, she has earned the prestigious Ontario Government Early Researcher Award and York University President’s Emerging Research Leadership Award. She is a dedicated science communicator and is the founder of SEEDS, an outreach program for refugees. For her commitment to science outreach, she was invited to serve as vice-chair for the Royal Canadian Institute for Science and awarded the Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs Science Promotion Prize


"Building international, values-driven partnerships underscores York University’s dedication to working together cross-culturally to address critical world issues. The GRE Fund is an investment in the transformative work of the York community and will provide mutually beneficial opportunities for our researchers, students and partners to continue to translate research outcomes into social and economic benefits in Canada and beyond."

Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor
York University

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