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Htet Min Lwin named 2024 Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellow in Buddhist Studies

Htet Min Lwin named 2024 Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellow in Buddhist Studies

York University is proud to announce that Htet Min Lwin, doctoral candidate at Humanities and grad associate at York Centre for Asian Research has been awarded a 2024 Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies. The program supports 11 Scholars from around the world for full-time preparation of dissertations in Buddhist Studies.

Htet is one of 11 scholars at universities in Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States who have been awarded $30,000 each for dissertation fieldwork, archival research, and writing. This program is made possible by a grant from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global and administered by the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).

Htet’s research explores the State’s attempts in 1958, 1962, and final successful attempt in 1980 to institutionalize monastics in Myanmar under a centralized state-backed authority. Arguing against the triumph of the State’s political secularism, it demonstrates the monks’ own Buddhist logic and the sources of power within the tradition to finally accept this centralized authority. It shows how the nation-state’s attempt to regulate religion ended up with not only the monastics being put under State control, but also with the State being equally, if not more, shaped and transformed by religion—creating society and polity more towards orthodoxy, and resulting in the authoritarian, nationalist Buddhist state and communities.

“ACLS applauds these outstanding fellows and grantees, who will expand understanding of Buddhist traditions both inside and outside the academy, through research, writing, translations, a new teaching position, and professional placements at celebrated museums and publications,” said Deena Ragavan, ACLS Director of International Programs. “This eleventh cohort of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies represents a wide range of nationalities, institutions, and Buddhist traditions, echoing our commitment to better reflect and engage scholars and communities of Buddhism worldwide.”

Htet Min Lwin

Photo of Htet Min Lwin

The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies promotes the understanding and interpretation of Buddhist thought in scholarship and society, strengthens international networks of Buddhist scholars, and increases the visibility of new knowledge and research on Buddhist traditions.