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Sherrill Cheda Graduate Scholarship

Sherrill Cheda Graduate Scholarship


The Sherrill Cheda Graduate Scholarship will be awarded to an incoming graduate student in the Women's Studies program who demonstrates academic excellence, demonstrates financial need and whose research addresses current issues facing women.

Value and Duration

  • Up to 2 awards of up to $8,000
    • The value and number of award(s) in any given year will depend on the rate of distribution from the endowment fund and the number of recipients selected
  • Non-renewable

Note: This award is comprised of matching funds. If you are expecting to receive the York Graduate Fellowship, this award will impact your Fellowship amount. Please visit Matching Funds to learn more.


  • Full-time registered Master's or doctoral York graduate student;
  • Must be an incoming student;
  • Both domestic and international students are eligible;
  • Selection criteria includes:
    • Research in current issues facing women;
    • Academic accomplishments;
    • Financial need;
    • Demonstrated academic excellence.

Note: The student must be registered full-time for the upcoming academic year (Fall/Winter).


  • Graduate program deadline: Program nomination, with complete documentation, is due to the Scholarship and Awards Coordinator in FGS by April 27. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee will review nominees for eligibility.

Award Period (when the award will be paid)

  • Upcoming academic year

How to Apply

  • Students must be nominated by their graduate program


  • Statement of research
  • CV
  • Transcripts, unofficial or official, (supplied by graduate program from admissions file), or can be a student copy downloaded from the student account. Must include the last two years or all years of graduate studies
  • Completed online Student Financial Profile for the upcoming academic year


  • Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies
  • Graduate Program Director
  • 206G Founders College
  • Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 40104
  • Email: