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Business Administration

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W263, Seymour Schulich

The Schulich School of Business offers candidates setting out on a career or moving to strengthen an existing career all the benefits of richly diverse, innovative, real-world management programs. MBA students may also pursue combined degrees in the Arts (MBA/MA, or MBA/MFA) or Law (MBA/JD), or concurrent graduate diplomas in Arts, Media & Entertainment Management; Business & the Environment; Culture, Communication & Leadership in Canadian Business; Financial Engineering; Health Industry Management; Intermediate Accounting; and Nonprofit Management. Students interested in global business are encouraged to consider the International MBA, while experienced managers may apply to the Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA.

Schulich programs teach more than just how to derive correct answers: students first need to ask the right questions and then frame the answer in the right context. All Schulich Business Administration programs combine classroom learning of fundamental and advanced management concepts with real world experience, including a major hands-on project where students work with real clients on real business problems and solutions.

The Schulich School of Business also offers graduate programs in Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Management, Management in Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, Real Estate & Infrastructure, and Supply Chain Management, as well as graduate diplomas such as the Post-MBA Advanced Management. Please refer to the relevant program information in this Calendar and visit http://schulich.yorku. ca for more information.