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Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies

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Founders College, Room

The Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies at York University was established in 1992, and was the first in Canada to offer a graduate degree in women’s studies. Today it is one of the largest programs in women’s and gender studies and feminist research in Canada and in the world, offering an MA and a PhD to full-time and part-time students.

The graduate program is fundamentally interdisciplinary in formation and practice. One of its primary goals is to develop and apply a feminist analytical perspective to teaching and research on women and gender as they intersect with sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, ability, and age. A second goal is to provide rigorous interdisciplinary training that provides students with the tools to enact social transformation in theory and praxis and enables students to conduct research and analysis both within and outside academia.

The program draws widely from the humanities, social sciences, health, environmental studies, fine arts, education and law. It has over 100 affiliated faculty members and typically offers about 30 core, elective and cross-listed courses each year. There are about 100 registered students.

The Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies is administratively housed in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies at York University. The School of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies provides a base and resource for teachers, students, and researchers across the York University community. In addition to undergraduate gender and women’s studies and sexuality studies programs, the Centre for Feminist Research, the Nellie Langford Rowell Library, and the quarterly journal Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme are all affiliated with the School.

GFWS fera de son mieux pour accommoder les étudiant/e/s francophones. Nous ferons tout notre possible pour permettre aux étudiant/e/s francophones d’écrire leurs travaux, y compris leurs dissertations de cours, leur projet de recherche, leur mémoire ou leur thèse, ainsi que leurs examens compréhensifs, en français. Ceci dépendra surtout de la disponibilité de membres de la faculté capables d’évaluer de tels travaux. Il y a plusieurs membres de la faculté qui se sont identifés comme capables d’évaluer des travaux écrits et/ou de participer à des examens oraux en français.

Fields of Specialization

The following seven interrelated fields of specialization identify the research and teaching strengths of the Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies at York University. The fields represent broad areas of interest in feminist research and all fields foreground the intersections of women and/or gender/s with sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, ability, and age.

  • Cultural and literary studies, performance and fine arts
  • Diaspora, transnational and global studies
  • Histories
  • Politics, economies and societies
  • Race
  • Sexualities
  • Theories and methods

Part-time Studies

Part-time students are encouraged to apply for both the MA and PhD programs. Whenever possible courses are scheduled in the late afternoon, evening hours, and summer.