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Master of Arts Program

The Master of Arts in Dance is a three-term program offering the study of dance through historical research, critical writing, ethnography, and movement analysis. Graduates from the program can use their degrees towards admission to a doctoral program in dance; be involved immediately in teaching, writing, research, dance curatorship; and work in libraries, archives, museums, dance companies, and art councils and organizations.

Master of Fine Arts Program

The MFA in Dance Program: ‘Choreography Collaboration | Creation’ reflects the way many contemporary artists are working. This student-centred, experiential, intensive five-term programrequires program participants to form collaborative teams with other graduate students from a wide range of disciplines and diverse skill sets, successfully creating, producing and presenting their own work. Through a series of critical skill courses taken during their first three terms, the program provides students with the theoretical and technical knowledge necessary to create multidisciplinary performance art. Then, guided through the creation process by our experienced faculty, the collaborative team’s work is presented to the public. The student’s research and creative process is self-examined and contextualized through an extended research essay (thesis). Finally, an oral examination focused equally on the thesis and related collaborative project completes their research/creation journey.

Admission Requirements

Master of Arts Program 

Candidates should hold an honours degree (or equivalent) with a B standing and should have a background in dance studies or a related area such as music, theatre, history, philosophy, anthropology, sociology or folklore. Students lacking sufficient dance background may be asked to enrol in a qualifying year prior to entering the program. Applications are evaluated on the basis of transcripts, three letters of reference, a 500-word statement on research and career objectives and a sample of past written work.

Master of Fine Arts Program

Normally candidates for the MFA in Dance Program: ‘Choreography Collaboration | Creation’ will have a BFA in dance, or equivalent, with a B+ average or above in the last two years of study. Candidates are expected to enter with a full understanding of choreographic elements and a knowledge of dance history and dance aesthetics. When applying, all candidates are required to submit video examples of their most recent choreography and a statement outlining their objectives in pursuing this degree The entrance MFA graduate committee conducts interviews in person or by telephone as required.

Degree Requirements

MA Degree by Coursework

Students may complete the MA degree by taking a total of 24 credits as explained below:

Required Courses (12 credits)

Dance 5200 3.0: Research Methods;
Dance 5300 3.0: Methods and Materials for Movement Observation;
Dance 5210/5211/5213/5214 3.0: Selected Topics in Dance Studies;
Dance 5345 3.0: Issues in Canadian Dance.

Electives Within the Department of Dance (6 credits)

Dance 5212 3.0: Field Placement;
Dance 5221 3.0: The Interactive Stage: Explorations in Electronically Mediated Performance;
Dance 5225 3.0: Choreography;
Dance 5310 3.0: Dance Writing;
Dance 5231 3.0: Dance, Gender and Sexuality;
Dance 5260 3.0: Dance Video and Intermedial Performance;
Dance 5270 3.0: Lighting Design for Dance;
Dance 5330 3.0: Anthropology of Dance in Canada;
Dance 5340 3.0: Topics in Historical or Cultural Dance Styles;
Dance 5350 3.0: Theory and Practice in Dance Dramaturgy;
Dance 5900 3.0: Imaging the Arts: Interdisciplinary Collaborations.

Electives Outside the Department of Dance (6 credits)

Two half courses or equivalent from an approved cognate field.

In addition, students are required to:

  1. Attend non-credit colloquia scheduled each year in which guests and students present material of common interest; and,
  2. Undertake research under the direction of a Dance graduate program faculty member on an approved topic and write a substantive research paper incorporating this research. This paper will be initiated as a proposal in the fall term, further developed in the winter, and completed in the summer. In Dance 5345 3.0, which is offered in the summer as a culminating course, this research is submitted as a final paper and presented in a mock conference.

Program Entry

The MA program can be completed on a full- or part-time basis. Entry is fall term.

Program Length

The expected degree completion time for full-time master’s students is 3 terms. For those students who complete degree requirements earlier than 3 terms, they must register and pay fees for a minimum of the equivalent of 3 terms of full-time study. All requirements for a master’s degree must be fulfilled within 12 terms (4 years) of registration as a full-time or part-time master’s student in accordance with Faculty of Graduate Studies’ registration policies.

MFA Degree by Thesis

Students in the Dance MFA program are required to successfully undertake the following courses and activities during five terms:


All students are required to attend the non-credit Dance MFA Colloquia scheduled each year in which guests and students present material of common interest.


Required Courses
Students are required to successfully complete the following courses:

Dance 5221 3.0: The Interactive Stage Explorations in Electronically Mediated Performances
Dance 5260 3.0: Dance Video and Intermedial Performance

Dance 5270 3.0: Lighting Design for Dance I
Dance 5300 3.0: Methods and Materials for Movement Observation
Dance 5501 3.0: Initiating, Forming and Performing Choreography I

Dance 5602 0.0: Dance Production (non-credit)
Dance 6003 0.0: Contemporary Choreography Professional Qualifying Practica I (Fall) (non-credit)

Elective Course
MFA students are also required to select and successfully complete one additional half-credit (3.0) elective course. 18 credits in total are required.

Thesis Proposal and Research

During the first two terms, and concurrent with their coursework, students prepare a thesis proposal to be submitted for approval by the end of their second term. Supporting research and a public presentation of their collaborative/creative work must be completed no later than the mid-point of their fifth term.

Thesis and Oral Examination

The student’s research and creative process are self-examined and contextualized through an extended research essay (thesis). An oral examination held at the end of the fifth term, focused equally on the thesis and the related collaborative project, complete the requirements for the degree.

Program Entry

The MFA program can be completed on a full-time basis. Entry is fall term.

Program Length

The expected degree completion time for full-time master’s students is 5 terms. Students must register and pay fees for a minimum of the equivalent of 5 terms of full-time study. All requirements for a master’s degree must be fulfilled within 12 terms (4 years) of registration as a full-time or part-time master’s student in accordance with Faculty of Graduate Studies’ registration policies.