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Jean Fewster Award

Jean Fewster Award


The Jean Fewster Award will provide an annual bursary to a deserving York University graduate student who is completing research in the area of communications and/or international studies at the School of Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

Dr. Fewster worked in many countries and at HQ on programs for rural women, while serving for a decade and a half as a professional staff member with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, at HQ in Rome, Italy.

For more information, please visit the GFWS Funding and Awards page.


  • Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies
    206G Founders College
    Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 58143