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Provost Dissertation Scholarship


The Provost Dissertation Scholarship is awarded to assist outstanding doctoral students in their final year of doctoral study to concentrate exclusively on and complete their dissertations. It is designed for students who have made significant progress on the research and writing of their dissertations to facilitate timely degree completion.


  • Up to six awards of up to $22,500 (must be held over a minimum of 2 terms to receive full value)
  • Program fees will be covered for both domestic and international students
  • $1,000 Research Allowance to support you and your research, and,
  • $1,000 Completion Bonus (within 6 weeks of completion of the award, upon submission of the dissertation, and all revisions, via the ETD system)
  • Non-renewable


  • Full-time registered York doctoral student;
  • Both domestic and international students are eligible;
  • The applicant must have completed all required course work and other program requirements except the dissertation, and have a dissertation proposal approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies; FGS will confirm approval of dissertation proposal after submission of nomination
  • The applicant must have completed no more than 48 months (4 years) of full-time doctoral studies at York University at the start of the award, which is normally the fall term following the award adjudication. Approved disability accommodations will be taken into account.
Note: Recipients of the Provost Dissertation Scholarship may not hold any graduate assistantships, teaching assistantships or course directorships during the tenure of the award. Students who held a TA or GA assignment in the previous academic year are eligible for the CUPE benefits plan. The applicant must be in a position to complete all degree requirements within twelve months of the commencement of the award, and they will not be permitted to register full-time and will not be eligible to hold a TA or GA assignment in subsequent terms. Please be aware of any possible VISA and OSAP implications, due to switch to part-time status, if all degree requirements are not completed by the end of the award.


Please note that the Provost Dissertation Scholarship is adjudicated with the Susan Mann Dissertation Scholarship. The required documents, deadlines and selection criteria are the same for both awards and only one application is required for both.
  • Student deadline: before 11:59pm (EST) March 1
  • Graduate program deadline: March 30
*After the submission of applications by students, the Graduate Programs will be asked to confirm that applicant meets the criteria, including when the Program expects completion of the dissertation during the term of the Scholarship.

Award Period (when the award will be paid)

  • Upcoming academic year

How to Apply

  • Students must update their profile and apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.
  • Personal statement demonstrating research and plans for completion of the dissertation within the year; students should provide clear timelines.
  • Letter of support from Supervisor affirming timeline, progress and plans for completion during the term of the award.
  • Up-to-date copy of transcripts (unofficial transcript or grade report from student records are also acceptable)
  • Copy of CV


  • If you require further assistance, please contact our Scholarship & Awards Coordinator by visiting our FGS Staff Directory.