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Sammy Graduate Scholarship in Autism Research

Sammy Graduate Scholarship in Autism Research


The Sammy Graduate Scholarship in Autism Research will be awarded to a full-time graduate student in the Faculty of Health undertaking research in the field of autism. Students must have a minimum A average (or 7.5 grade point average for incoming graduate students). Students must demonstrate their interest in scholarship and/or research in this area. If there are no eligible graduate students in a given year, the distribution will be held and given to two students in the following year. If there are no eligible candidates for two consecutive years, the scholarship will be made available to graduate students studying early childhood developmental delays until an eligible recipient studying autism is found.

Note: This award is comprised of matching funds. If you are expecting to receive the York Graduate Fellowship, this award will impact your Fellowship amount. Please visit Matching Funds to learn more.

This award is administered by the Faculty of Health. Please contact the Research Office, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Health for further information.
