Both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. are designed to give students in-depth knowledge and research expertise in a specific area of Biology. Students work closely with their supervisor’s to develop research questions, learn the critical skills needed for research, write up their research as a thesis, and prepare their thesis for publication. Faculty encourage and support their students in presenting their research at regional, national, and international conferences.
Master of Science (MSc) in Biology
At the master’s level, students work closely with a supervisor and their research is supported by that supervisor. Thus, no student is accepted into the program unless a faculty member agrees to supervise that student.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biology
At the PhD level, students work closely with a supervisor, and their research is supported by that supervisor. Thus, no student is accepted into the program unless a faculty member agrees to supervise that student.

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Biology at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.