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For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.

Courses are offered subject to demand. Students should consult the website of the Registrar's Office for a list of courses offered in a given year. All students are enrolled in a 7000 LEVEL Research Evaluation for their program.​

CHEM 7000A 3.0, 7000B 3.0 MSc Research Evaluation

Progress in research is assessed annually as described in the MSc course requirements.​
Formerly offered as CHEM 6020A 3.0 and 6020B 3.0.​

CHEM 7001A 3.0, 7001B 3.0, 7001C 3.0, 7001D 3.0 PhD Research Evaluation

Progress in research is assessed annually as described in the PhD course requirements.​
Formerly offered as CHEM 7020A 3.07020B 3.07020C 3.0 and 7020D 3.0.

Calendar Year Term Course # Course Title
2025 W gs/chem 5021M
2024 F gs/chem 5024A
2025 W gs/chem 5031M
2024 F gs/chem 5052A
2024 F gs/chem 5080A
2024 F gs/chem 5081A
2024 SU gs/chem 6000A
2024 F, Y gs/chem 6000A
2025 W gs/chem 6000M
2024 F gs/chem 6030A
2024 F gs/chem 6051A
2025 W gs/chem 6060M
2025 W gs/chem 6090M
2025 W gs/chem 6320M
2024 SU gs/chem 7000A
2024 SU gs/chem 7001A

• CHEM 5021 3.0 Synthetic Organic Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 5023 3.0 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions (.pdf)
• CHEM 5024 3.0 Structural Elucidation in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 5031 3.0 Advanced Transition Metal Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 5051 3.0 General Biological Organic Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 5052 3.0 Biological Chemistry
• CHEM 5080 3.0 Advanced Analytical Separation Methods (.pdf)
• CHEM 5081 3.0 Principles and Applications of Mass Spectrometry
• CHEM 5091 3.0 Frontiers in Electrochemistry
• CHEM 5092 3.0 X-Ray Crystallography (.pdf)
• CHEM 6000 3.0 and 6000 6.0 MSc Review Essay (.pdf)
• CHEM 6011 3.0 Quantum Mechanics
• CHEM 6030 3.0 Advanced Main Group Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 6050 3.0 Biomolecular Interaction
• CHEM 6051 3.0 Drug Discovery
• CHEM 6060 3.0 Chemistry of the Natural and Polluted Atmosphere
• CHEM 6061 3.0 Nighttime Chemistry of the Atmosphere
• CHEM 6062 3.0 Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry
• CHEM 6080 3.0 Fundamentals and Applications of Mass Spectrometry
• CHEM 6090 3.0 Solid-State, Nano and Materials Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 6300 3.0 Recent Advances in Chemistry
• CHEM 6310 3.0 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
• CHEM 6320 3.0 Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry
• CHEM 6330 3.0 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (.pdf)
• CHEM 6350 3.0 Selected Topics in Bio-Organic Chemistry
• CHEM 6360 3.0 Selected Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry

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The Graduate Program in Chemistry at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.