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Awards and Other Support Funds

Many graduate students at York are successful in winning prestigious external or internal scholarships and you are encouraged to seek eligible opportunities. The university also offers bursaries and other support funds to assist with your scholarly and research activities. Common types of funds include the following: 

Bursaries that are allocated based on demonstrated financial need;

Research support funds to cover expenses related to scholarly and research activities;  

Donor-supported internal awards: To find internal award opportunities, please use the award search.

For further information, please visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies scholarships and awards page or please contact the Graduate Program Assistant.

Graduate Program or Faculty-Specific Awards

The Evelyn Carnie Rowe Graduate Studies Dance Scholars Award will be offered annually to a full-time graduate student in the MA Dance or PhD Dance Studies program, with preference to students specializing in research on Canadian dance. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

The Julianna Lau Award in Dance Therapy will be given annually to a graduate or undergraduate student studying or conducting research in the area of dance therapy. Recipients must have a GPA of 6.00 (B). Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

The Lawrence Heisey Graduate Award in Fine Arts will be awarded to recognize outstanding ability and achievement in scholarly and/or creative work. It will be awarded to students entering their second or higher year of study in any Fine Arts (AMPD) graduate program. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

The Manorama Thakkar Award in Indian Dance is given in recognition of excellence and achievement in performance or research studies in Indian Dance. Both undergraduate and graduate students in Dance are eligible to apply, but preference will be given to undergraduate applicants. Selection/eligibility criteria include sound academic standing. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need. The Manorama Award in Indian Dance was established by renowned Indian classical dancer and choreographer Menaka Thakkar in memory of her mother. The award is supported through the Manorama and Bhanuchandra Thakkar Endowment Fund.

The Nalini & Tim Stewart Arts Awards are given in recognition of academic excellence to any student within the School of Arts, Media, Performance, and Design (AMPD) pursuing work or projects of interdisciplinary nature that cut across more than one department. Special consideration will be given to students whose projects include work in theatre or performance studies, or photography. Annually one award will be available to one undergraduate student and another to one graduate student. These awards were established by Nalini Stewart, a longtime volunteer in the arts and member of York University’s Board of Governors. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

The Susan Crocker and John Hunkin Scholarship in the Fine Arts will be awarded to new PhD students, beginning a degree in a Fine Arts program in York University’s Faculty of Graduate Studies. Recipients must have a minimum “B” average, be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents*, and must demonstrate financial need.

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Dance at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.