York is committed to excellence in research and scholarship in all its forms. Informed by a strong commitment to shared values, including the promotion of social justice, diversity, and the public good, we aspire through our research to better understand the human condition and the world around us and to employ the knowledge we gain in the service of society.
Current Research Projects
Electronic Theses
Research within the Graduate Program in Design is shaped by student interests and supported by a supervisory committee. Our students complete a thesis and/or dissertation, which then becomes published as an "Electronic Theses" and sits as a public document within our institutional repository - YorkSpace.
Awards & Recognition
Andrea Giambelli
Andrea Giambelli, an MDes student, received one of five CIBC Fine Arts Graduate Student Awards worth $4000. Mr. Giambelli's proposal, an interactive virtual installation that will take place in central Toronto as part of his thesis, is titled Learning from Toronto: An Experiment in Participatory Urban Data Visualization.
Marie-Noëlle Hébert
The Art Gallery at York University has awarded ex-MDes student Marie-Noëlle Hébert the 2013 Artists' Book of the Moment. The ABotM is a juried competition which acknowledges the extensive genre of artists’ books. With a strong field of entries and an even stronger shortlist announced earlier this year, Hébert's book came out on top and received a $1,500 award.
Kevin Paolozzi
Kevin Paolozzi (MDes 2011) was recently awarded the Cranbrook Purchase Award for his custom typeface entitled Parvenu. Kevin is finishing up his MFA in 2D Design at Cranbrook Academy and won the award for his thesis project that goes to one graduating student of the Academy to be bought by the Cranbrook Art Museum for the permanent collection.
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Design at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Student Program Assistant to learn more.