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Welcome to the Graduate Program in Development Studies

Master of Arts (MA)

The Graduate Program in Development Studies offers students an intellectually rigorous and relevant interdisciplinary curriculum that is uniquely layered when examining theories and practices of development from a critical social science perspective.

Our research-intensive MA is a uniquely focused, but flexible graduate program. Through the program, students pursue a wide range of research interests as they relate to the field of development studies in both the Global South and North, including gender, education, health, urbanization, sports, forced migration, migrant settlement, global environmental crises, indigeneity, extractive industries, precariousness, etc. The MA is structured as a five-term program combining coursework, fieldwork and internship/placement.

Learn about the nexus between theory and practice

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What Make Us Different?

Interdisciplinary and grounding on area studies

Critical social science approach to development

Research-intensive focus and emphasis on praxis

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Featured Faculty

[My] research is being used to inform the work of Red Thread (a multiracial women's organization in Georgetown), which supports the advancement of women. It has also had a significant impact on research into the eight United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals.

— Michelle Bobala
MA student in Development Studies

Photo of Michelle Bobala

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Development Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.