Preparing your application to graduate studies at York University and/or other interested universities requires research and planning. Some students start preparing their plan for graduate studies as early as two years before they submit their application. Consider the following information below to help guide you through a successful application process.
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- Department of Social Science
- Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Given the relatively small number of admits, not all candidates who meet the program requirements will be admitted. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their academic achievement and potential and/or demonstrated capacity for advanced work in the field of development. The submitted statement of interest, research paper or reports and letters of reference will provide a basis for evaluating that potential. Efforts will be made to attain a balance among new admits, taking into account thematic and regional interests and the program's supervisory resources.
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The Graduate Program in Development Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.