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Admission Requirements

Preparing your application to graduate studies at York University and/or other interested universities requires research and planning. Some students start preparing their plan for graduate studies as early as two years before they submit their application. Consider the following information below to help guide you through a successful application process.

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Note: PhD applications are no longer being considered for Fall 2025, as there will be no intake or program available next year.

Admission Process

Note that your application goes first to the Graduate Admissions Office and is transferred to the Department of Economics only if you have met all the admission requirements and your file is complete. To learn more about the admissions process please see Graduate Admissions—Admission Process.

To find out more about admission requirements concerning the honours degree, the grade point average and the English language proficiency please see Graduate Admissions—Entry Requirements.

Additional information about our program can be found at Graduate Admissions—Economics.

Admission Requirements

All applicants must have a 4 year Honours baccalaureate degree (with at least a B average in the final two years) and must have successfully completed:

  • one term of university-level courses in Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Econometrics (3 credits each--half courses), such as York's undergraduate AP/ECON 1530, 1540, 2500, 3210, 3500, 3530, 4210, and 4220.
  • two term courses in Intermediate Microeconomics and Intermediate Macroeconomics (6 credits each--full courses). such as York's undergraduate AP/ECON 2300, 2350, 2400, and 2450.

Even though it is not required, admission priority will be given to applicants who have demonstrated excellence in advanced-level courses in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (such as York's undergraduate AP/ECON 4020 3.0 and AP/ECON 4010 3.0).

English Language Proficiency

Applicants who are asked to present evidence of competence in English should note that minimum scores are:

Paper-based: 577
Computer-based: 233
iBT: 88-91
Overall Band Score: 7.0Overall Band: 4

Other Regulations

  • All students must have met our admission requirements before being admitted to our graduate program.
  • Applicants with an ordinary three-year undergraduate degree do not meet the minimum admission requirements of our graduate program.
  • If you do not meet the admission criteria because you have not taken one or more of the required courses in your four-year undergraduate program, you can register at York as a non-degree student and take the missing course(s) before you apply for admission to our MA program. To do that, please contact the Registrar's Office.
  • Our graduate program does not offer a qualifying year. If you need additional preparation for the MA program, you may consider taking the 4th-year undergraduate advanced-level Micro, Macro, and Econometrics courses as a non-degree student before applying for admission to our MA program.
  • As long as you have met the minimum admission requirements your application will be considered. *However, meeting the minimum entrance requirements is not a guarantee of admission by the Faculty of Graduate Studies*.
  • Information on the general admission requirements can be found at the Faculty of Graduate Studies—Admissions.

Applicants must normally have completed a master’s degree in Economics which includes a B+ average and strong performance in the (core) area of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Econometrics.

Ph.D. applicants must have met, or be in the process of completing the minimum admission requirements. *However, meeting the minimum entrance requirements is not a guarantee of admission by the Faculty of Graduate Studies*.

Information on the general admission requirements can be found in the Faculty of Graduate Studies—Admissions.

English Language Proficiency

Applicants who are asked to present evidence of competence in English should note that minimum scores are: TOEFL 575, and MELT 88. There are no other language requirements or GRE score requirements.

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Economics at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.