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Director's Message

Welcome to Grad English!

If you have studied literature in Canada, chances are that you have already begun to study at York.  Over the past three generations, both directly and indirectly, the English department at York has shaped the ways in which literary study is carried out across the country.  Graduates of our doctoral program are professors at UBC, Simon Fraser, U Alberta, Queen's, McGill, UNB, and elsewhere across North America.  Our Master's and Doctoral program graduates have developed dynamic careers in the arts, government, NGOs, online and print journalism, publishing, project management, and a host of entrepreneurial businesses related to arts, education, and community development.

Our prize-winning graduate faculty undertakes research and teaching that is “theory forward,” and undertakes contemporary critical studies across the full span of world literary history.  Our Graduate Diploma in World Literature blends postcolonial literary study, community engagement, and social justice.  Our Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing helps students develop their unique talents for writing across the genres, of fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction and promises to transform the critical work that we do.

Studying here is about pursuing critical and creative thought through engagement with literature, theory, history, and politics, as well as professors and peers, collaboratively and supportively.  We work within and across programs to pursue interdisciplinary and contemporary knowledge. Our MA and PhD programs develop the critical thinking, speaking, writing, and researching skills necessary for leadership both inside and outside of the Academy.

Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions. Have a look through our many web pages on this site for more information.

Sincerely Yours,

Robert Zacharias
Associate Professor and Director
Graduate Program in English

A photo of Professor Robert Zacharias

A photo of Professor Robert Zacharias

Learn More

The Graduate Program in English at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.