Featured News
Expand the Grad @ York Story
Do you have a story or event to share with the wider graduate community? We’d love to hear from our students, faculty, staff, and alumni on what’s happening in and around FGS. Our digital platforms connect us with future and current students, as well as alumni and community partners, to help tell our story.
More News Highlights
Dr. Christo El Morr
The Centre for Feminist Research (CFR) community warmly welcomes the new CFR Director, Professor Christo El Morr, beginning July 1, 2024, for a five year term. Dr. Christo El Morr is a Professor of Health Informatics and the Director of the Center of Feminist Research at York University.
Health Policy and Equity MA students
Health Policy and Equity MA students write The Hill Times article on illusion of safety given Toronto police budgets and mental health crisis.
Dr. Lora Appel
With her team in York’s PrescribingVRx lab, Associate Professor Lora Appel is using virtual reality technology to pilot an Exposure Therapy program focused on anxiety experienced by people with epilepsy.
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Health at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.