For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.
The Graduate Program in History offers three-degree types
- The MA by coursework and Major Research Paper requires 18 credits of graduate-level coursework (5000- and 6000-level courses) and a Major Research Paper involving original research (approximately 50-70 pages).
- The MA by coursework and Thesis requires 12 credits of graduate-level coursework (5000- and 6000-level courses) and a thesis involving original research (approximately 120 pages).
- The PhD requires 18 credits of graduate-level coursework (5000- and 6000-level courses), successful completion of comprehensive exams and a dissertation that demonstrates independence of thought, originality, and an ability to contribute to historical knowledge at an advanced level of investigation (normally 250-350 pages).
Full details are available at Degree Requirements page.
As an introduction to graduate studies, the course uses a select list of 'great books' about diverse times and places in order to discover and describe what good historians do as they research and write. The course focuses on students' cultivating skills, including reading strategically, deriving synopses, approaching primary sources, and writing proposals for research projects.
The historical profession is changing. Historians today must be prepared to adopt new forms of scholarship and public engagement, both within and beyond the academy. Blending experiential learning with a rigorous exploration of the many uses of a graduate degree in History, both historically and in the present, this course introduces students to the diversity of careers historians pursue today.
Explores the theory and practice of slavery in Greek and Roman antiquity, from the Bronze Age until the later Roman empire.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Explores aspects of the so-called expansion of the role of the state in Canada at all levels following the Second World War, and since the 1980s, its supposed contraction.
Examines the development of the modern state in Canada from 1900 down to the rise of the welfare state in the Second World War and immediate post-war periods. We will examine the different theoretical perspectives that inform how historians write the history of state formation in Canada, including regulationist, Marxist, feminist and foucauldian approaches to power and the process of state formation. Students will examine the multiple ways in which the powers of state have been exercised through economic and social policies and practices of regulation.
This course addresses the challenges and benefits of European integration from the perspective of different member states and actors. As such, it offers an interdisciplinary look at the European Union, its historical evolution and the crisis that challenge its continuation. Topics may include for example, the financial crisis, refugee crisis, Brexit, the right of the right and foreign policy challenges. Through the investigation of these social, economic, and political crisis we will question who the key actors in the EU policy making are and analyse who benefits from the process of integration in Europe.
This course offers a historical examination of the multiple, overlapping processes through which Asian identities and regions were constituted. It will also examine new directions in Asian studies in an era of intensified global flows, transnationalism, and the presence of Asian diaspora in Canada and elsewhere.
This course offers a historical examination of the multiple, overlapping processes through which Asian identities and regions were constituted. It will also examine new directions in Asian studies in an era of intensified global flows, transnationalism, and the presence of Asian diaspora in Canada and elsewhere.
A social and cultural history of immigrants in North America from the origins of mass migration to the present. Beginning with a critical examination of the historiography of North American immigrant and ethnic studies, it assesses the immigrant experience through a variety of themes. The social dimensions are explored through such topics as the causes and strategies of migration, social segregation and stratification, race and gender. The cultural aspects deal with questions of identity, cultural retention and accommodation, xenophobia, multiculturalism, and multiracialism. Attention will also be given to immigration and refugee policies, responses to such policies, as well as their effectiveness in regulating the economic, social, and cultural life of North America.
This course examines the relationships between people and their environments from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twenty-first century. It considers the global ecological consequences of industrialization and the growing human footprint on Earth from a historical perspective, drawing from the field of environmental history.
This course evaluates the commonalities and differences of the rise of women workers across industrializing economies. Although working women in Europe, the Americas, and East Asia have been depicted in universal manners, the timing of their emergence, the ways they entered into wage work, the conditions of their labor, and the characteristics of their chores differed according to cultural, social, political, economic, and historical differences. This class examines how a regions developmental particularities affected womens statuses as wage earners.
This course aims to give students a broad introduction to the diversity of women's experience in different countries by examining selected themes in the history of women during the 20th century. PRIOR TO WINTER 2015: course credit exclusion: GS/WMST 6406 3.00.
Women's History. An overview of women's history with particular attention given to Canadian women's history and the emergence of feminist movements. Course includes a discussion of feminist historiography, and the use of archival materials.
Women's History. An overview of women's history with particular attention given to Canadian women's history and the emergence of feminist movements. Course includes a discussion of feminist historiography, and the use of archival materials.
Examines transnational historical processes and events, focusing on temporal and geographic scales outside of traditional national histories, and on linking the local and the global. It considers how global forces affect societies, and problematizes core historical assumptions.
Examines transnational historical processes and events, focusing on temporal and geographic scales outside of traditional national histories, and on linking the local and the global. It considers how global forces affect societies, and problematizes core historical assumptions.
This course explores critical debates and interdisciplinary research methods employed in the study of material objects. It draws on case studies and theoretical work on material culture, display, and representation to consider the influence of the 'material turn' on contemporary scholarship and on historical and curatorial practices.
This course explores critical debates and interdisciplinary research methods employed in the study of material objects. It draws on case studies and theoretical work on material culture, display, and representation to consider the influence of the 'material turn' on contemporary scholarship and on historical and curatorial practices.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
Supervised reading for individual students or small groups, the separate sections of the course being devoted to the several fields of study and examination.
This course deals with important problems in Canadian history, and it emphasizes the critical examination of the historical literature concerned with those problems. The topics normally included are the interpretation of Canadian history, the foundation and development of New France and British North America prior to Confederation, the nature of Canadian nationalism, regionalism and continentalism, political parties and the political process, the political economy of Canada, external relations, French-Canadian society, and French-English relations. When appropriate, attention is paid to relevant literature in other disciplines. Normally open only to Ph.D. Candidates. Open to M.A. Candidates in exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the Director.

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The Graduate Program in History at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.